Would you trade $359 for $3500?


Hey everyone, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that you have had some time to set some new goals that you would like to accomplish in 2014. Today I would like to share my success with everyone that I have had over the past year here at Wealthy Affiliate.

In February of last year I took the plunge and went yearly. This has probably been the best choice that I could have ever made. I made a promise to myself that I was going to work hard at the Boot Camp and see how long it would take me to get my small investment back. It hasn't quite been a year yet but since 2013 is long gone now I have accomplished so much and had a huge amount of success so far.

My 2013 Year In Review How I reached my goals for the year

I started out fresh with the Boot Camp back in February and like everyone I had my doubts but I was still confident that I would make it with lots of hard work and dedication. Keep in mind that I was surrounded by negative people telling me that I wasn't going to make 1 cent online and that I should just get a regular job like everyone else.

It wasn't possible at the time for me to get a regular job due to some problems I had to deal with from my soon to be ex wife.

I started the Boot Camp training and followed the lessons as instructed and worked super hard at my website each and every day. It took me quite some time before I even started seeing any traffic at all but that didn't matter because I understood that this wasn't no get rich quick overnight kinda of thing. I was creating a long term business and things like this don't happen overnight.

It took me until May for me to get any decent traffic and I got my first sale the first week in May. I was so excited I had to tell everyone. It was a really great feeling and it gave me more confidence to keep pushing forward. After I got my first sale a few days later I got a couple more and like Kyle told me it has snowballed over time.

How I managed to get traffic and turn that traffic into sales

Kyle is always telling us to write engaging content and to always write with the visitor in mind. This is the only way to get people engaged in your content and make it interesting to read. If you are real with people and you can connect with them on a personal level you will be able to gain their trust and they will buy from you. Not only will this help you gain more readers but Google loves this kind of interaction as well and they will rank you higher as a result of this.

Here is a look at my traffic stats from the first of February to Dec 31st

If you take a look at my analytics from Feb you will see that I was getting 0 traffic and only a few visits per day until around the end of May. Little by little I watched the site start to get some traffic and it started growing more and more each month after that.

I also want to point out that the 2 weeks I was offline my traffic went from 1800 a week to around 2400 a week for both of those weeks. I'm not sure why or how this happened but it just goes to show that if you are consistent and dedicate a good deal of time to your business you will start seeing some awesome results.

As far as keeping my bounce rate down that has to do with user engagement and how you write your content. If you capture someones attention with a catchy title and continue to keep them interested throughout your whole article then you have won the battle. There is nothing worst then having a high bounce rate and losing your readers attention a few seconds after they land on your site.

How doing proper keyword research will play a huge role in your traffic

If you want to hit the big numbers with your traffic you need to make sure your doing proper keyword research. Keyword density also plays a good role in this as well. I only put my keyword in the title and in the first paragraph if I can fit it in there. If not then I don't even worry about it.

How long did it take for me to get my initial investment back?

This is the interesting part and what I was working hard at the most, this whole time. It took me 7 months to break even and get my $359 investment back. I don't think that is long at all and WA is worth every penny of it and then some. The training, help and support, and all the awesome tools that you have available here can't be beat. I have made 10 times what my original investment was so I would say that it is well worth the price.

I am now getting over 9,000 traffic a month and I see this rising more all the time. It just goes to show you what can be accomplished if you put your mind to it and give it everything you got. I hope this post gives you some encouragement and makes you want to get out there and work hard at your goals.

What a year it has been and I am looking to have an even better 2014 and I hope that everyone in the WA family has had a happy new year. I would love to hear your comments on this

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Congrats Scott, this is so motivating! Looking forward to more success posts from you! ;)

Thanks so much Jane!

I'm glad this post has motivated you and I hope to be reading one of your success posts in the near future. Work hard at this and ask questions when you have them and I know you can achieve the same level of success as I have.

Thanks for the encouragement Scott! Just what I need to keep me moving! :)

Congratulations to you Scott. This was encouraging to read... thank you for sharing. Can ask you one question? What do you consider a good keyword (traffic, competition, etc...) I'm in the no traffic stage with one of my sites and I'm just curious.

I think any keyword that gets at least 50 searches a month and has a QSR of under 300 would be a pretty good keyword. I always try and find a QSR of 100 or below if I can. The lower the QSR is the easier it will be to get on the front page of Google.

The 3 main factors you should look at when doing keyword research is 1. Does this keyword make sense to a human? 2. How many searches does this keyword get a month? 3. How much competition am I up against ? If you can answer these questions then you will be finding some awesome keywords that will get traffic.

I know exactly how it feels to be in the no traffic zone and it's not a good feeling. If there is anything else I can help you with don't hesitate to ask.

very very motivating story friend.. thank you so much for sharing this..

No problem Hari,
I love sharing my success with everyone for 2 reasons. 1. It gives them some concrete evidence that it is possible to make money online. 2. It encourages the new people and gives them motivation to keep working on their websites. If you ever need a hand with anything let me know.

thanks Scott.. I actually needed that because I have been consistently working on my site from past 3 months and I don't like even thinking of giving up...

Hi Scott,
Thanks indeed for sharing such an inspiring experience at Wealthy Affiliate. I believe this post is worthwhile and will encourage newbies or those who are still skeptical that someone could make money online. This is a journey of thousand miles which requires consistent steps with commitment and dedication. Keep up the good work dude.
God bless.

Hi Ben,
I agree with you that this is a long journey and that's the main reason why most people fail at internet marketing. They don't wanna put in the work and time that it takes to build an online business. Thanks so much for the kind words and I hope you have a very successful 2014.

Thank you! Your experience makes sense and sounds reasonable and achievable for those of us that are grappling to get started and wonder if the results do come.

Hi L,
It does take a considerable amount of work and time to see any results but it is definitely worth it. The thing I like about this is that your income continues to go up all the time. You also continue to get paid for work you did months and sometimes years ago.

WOW! Scott that is wonderful! Congratulations! You are an example of how WA works. Good for you.

Hi Betty,
Thanks so much I am so glad to be a part of the WA family and I am looking forward to what 2014 has to offer.

What a great and inspiring story...awesome!

Hey Max,
I'm glad that my story has inspired you and I look forward to reading about your success in the near future. Keep working hard at your goals and I know you will reach them.

Definitely a success post, Scott. Thank you for sharing. This will be a real confidence boost for those just starting out with WA. Nice job, man.

Hey Rick, I agree with you that all the new people who is just getting started need some concrete proof that this stuff really works. I'm glad to share my many success stories with the WA family and I wish you lots of success in 2014 man.

This is super encouraging for those of us who are new around here! Thanks for sharing it!

No problem anitab, I'm glad you enjoyed it

Wow Scott. I am really happy for you. This is great news! All The Best for 2014!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope this has encouraged you to keep moving forward and set your goals high for 2014.
Cheers Scott

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