The Collapse of the American Dollar


This is a bit of an emergency blog that I feel I must let WA members know about.I always knew that the collapse of the US dollar was coming but I did not think it was this close!

I receive emails from a site called and from Alex Jones and the one I watched from him was a real eye opener as to what is going to happen in the USA after 1 July 2014.

Here is the link: the_town_crier/ obamas-crazy-new-law-starts-july-1st-2014-bho-got-go

Forewarned is forearmed.

"Nuff Said

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buy Gold

Its very interesting, Im in Australia and its disturbing. If it eventuate what does it do to the kind of business we are trying to set up here, i.e. affiliate marketing.

Those guys really do tell it like it is! Better watch out though for our dictator in chief and our "not an ounce of corruption" NSA.

Hi Scorpio,
There's nothing on that link either. Too bad...I'm very interested to read the article.

Strange I pick up the links.Try putting "obamas new law 1 july 2014" in a search engine and go from there.I use the startpage search engine as it does leave any cookies on your pc.

Is this about the currency revaluation (RV) and the global currency reset (GCR)? I've been following that for the past 12 months.....

I am not sure but it would probably be in the same category.It looks like the $US will no longer be the global reserve currency-that is the crux of the matter........

Yes, I have followed this closely and have a major investment in it. The problem is the Federal Reserve printing what is called Fiat currency. The rest of the world wants to go back to "Gold-Backed" currency where we once were. There is a very big and long history behind all of this.......I'd be happy to discuss with anyone via PM.....

I will change my blog post tomorrow as I hate giving out a link that is not correct!

Sorry Wayne try this link:

Hi Anthony. I also follow Alex Jones along with Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage and Glenn Beck. All of them are sending out alerts on everything! About the only thing we can do is keeping taking it a day at a time. I wish you lived a little closer! We could spend hours talking about all the things going on! :-) Take care my friend. PS. Also signed up for the Dubuque Crier!

Hi Scorpio, I wasn't able to find anything about the collapse of the US dollar on either of these websites. Do you have any suggestions as to where to look?

link is broken

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