Business without investment it's not a business!
When we think of how many thousands of offers that appear on our facebook, for example, saying that you can win a lot, but not investing anything, we should think a little.
There are no magic formulas/buttons anywhere. Simply does not exist. There are ways to make big money, sure. But is not investing virtually nothing, this is achieved!
And I'm not just talking about investing money. We also need to invest time and effort, and focus and discipline ...
Anyway, what it seems pretty common sense, faced with similar "deals", many of us do not think in common sense. These ads are meant to appeal to our emotions and inner dream!
But let's face it, are we gonna get a lot of money without investing anything? Receive a lot of money, spending only 5 minutes a day?
Do you really believe that?
I think if have you been wondering when that success you will achieve, lightning like ... that kind of thinking may be exactly what is preventing you from succeeding and moving forward. If you are looking for the kind of online business that will make you drop money or success of heaven ... remember, that from heaven just falls rain and hail!
What you will say next is not what you would like to hear ... but it's true!
The biggest investment you need to make, to grow with a successful business online is time and focus!
While we are building our online business often we reach points where we feel too many difficulties, where the motivation goes down the drain, or something does not make sense or you just feel confused and insecure.
Success takes time. And the longer you are willing to invest your time and focus, the more success you'll have, probably in less time that you think!
Does it make sense?
(I'm writing to myself...trying to teach myself to be more patient about results! But sure hope this reflection would help some of you too!)
Recent Comments
Hi Sarita. I'm sure you have heard the saying about free lunches.
And this is just as true in internet marketing.
Although you might not invest a lot of money to get some back you do have to invest your time and put in the effort and be dedicated to achieving your goal.
Your English is coming along nicely.
Have a nice day/evening.
Hi Sarita,
You have a point, staying focused is one of the many reasons to being
successful in this online adventure.
Something I am learning now to do. In the beginining , there was only
television and print advertisement..Now there is almost everthing imaginable to distract anyone from there true purpose and goal.
Social Media, Emails, online news, newspappers, etc.
All us marketers just need to focus on what is really important to our lives to make this internet marketing journey successful.
Patience, perseverance, focus,
time investment and a little money.
You will have many successes.
Thank you for your comment. Some times...just lack the patience...the rest, I'm doing!!! But I'm quite
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Very well said! :)
Thank you!
You're welcome! :)