Life's Big Picture


Very soon we will be in June and here in Oklahoma you would think that the calendar has stopped in February. We had 46 degree temp this morning. Most unusual.

I started a new job. I am now driving for a really great company that is basically an elite taxi service. We can carry wheelchairs as well. This makes us able to transport anyone who needs a ride. The clients appreciate the service and speak highly of the service and the regular dispatcher and as well as the drivers that make them feel important. These people are grateful. It is so good to be around people who appreciate and are thankful no matter what they are going through. As if watching a big screen movie you can see how the background changes and all the extras are fitting in so nicely. One person affected by another without being noticed openly.

I stop and think...I'm only 60, someday I'll be their ages. Will I have endured with the attitude of gratitude? Will I move forward in life with the grace that most of these people have, learning to accept the things they cannot change. This Movie I'm watching has interesting events and changes in it. Not quite sure what's around the next bend.

Being a part of a small picture is easy to see but how many of us see ourselves as and intricate part of a greater picture? Your circle that you are so familiar with affects so many more than you can imagine. Your attitude daily is so very important. You can make every day a special day by continuing on your journey with an attitude of gratitude! Affect someone's life just by carrying a smile with as often as you can. Believe it or not someone will notice who is not in your circle or on your journey but still there in the background of your life's movie. We don't ever know how or when this movie comes to an end for us personally but the theater of life can be one of adventure, joy and sorrow, pain and laughter. We must change the things we can change for the good, accept the things we cannot change and pray we know the difference. You are special, your Movie is a #1 hit. Enjoy yours as you help others to enjoy theirs.

Get some popcorn and have a great day.


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Hi Ruth thank you for sharing your insights I really like the concept of looking at life in the terms of a movie, wow and we get to be the directors.

yeah, sometimes being the director but sometimes I think we are holding the boom

Classic nothing like being the observer.

Good advice. Curtain time comes all to soon!

Thanks for sharing, Ruth.

Thanks for sharing.

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