Quality Post Comments - Needles in Haystacks?

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I'm getting so frustrated....!!!

We all know how important post comments are, right? So why do people - and yes, I mean WA members - insist on starting their comments on my posts with "I wasn't going to read all the way through because playing cards aren't my thing" or "I had no idea people collected playing cards!" or "I have absolutely no interest in playing cards, but..." (my site is called icollectplayingcards.com for crying out loud!!!) .....???

Why? Do we not all share the same goal? Quality, relevant (that's relevant) comments on our posts to make outsiders (and Google bots) think that people have landed on our sites as the result of a search for information. Not because they've been cajoled into it.

Please. Please. Even if you've never held a playing card in your life and you're going to comment on my site, please just comment as if you know what you're talking about. Just paraphrase my post, the same way I do when I'm commenting on a post that I have absolutely no interest in... it's what we do here. Scratching backs. We scratch backs. We don't bitch about back acne. We just get on with it.

Sorry for the rant but I've had it tonight. Please just play the game. We don't have to love each others' posts, we just have to pretend to. Please do it convincingly...??? Because all I do when I get a shit comment is I edit the crap out of it. Until I like it. Then I approve it. FYI.

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Thanks a lot for sharing!

Ew I can't stand my acne, thankfully not on my back but that maybe better than my face. ne My reluctance toward making videos...
Anyway, I agree with your idea to not make unhelpful comments. This doesn't work toward progress. Thank you for this rant you have a great point, helping each other is the way to go.

Love reading your rants lol

And sometimes I actually love to rant :D

I think some people don't really understand the whole comment thing in the context of WA.


I send Kyle and Carson both a PM last night over this exact
thing - along with copies of everything -

To top it all off the comments came from the exact same
person with two different profiles - tell me that I was not
super angry - two of the worst comments and from the same
person - I am so disgusted I will never use Site Comments
again other members and I are getting together to PM each
other for comments when we need them!!!!


Can I please join you???


I am going to follow you and start a list once I get as many to it
as possible then I will distribute it through PM if that would work
for you :)


Yes, anything is better than what we currently have, so yes please :)

Good I have about 5 members right now that are so upset they
never want to deal with Site Comments again LOL

But I do know of more who will join in once I notify them what I
am doing for us to get the quality comments we need for SEO
for our sites :)

Thank you for joining forces this will hopefully force some of
those members out of the Site Comment money making business!


Sounds like a good plan

You want in? I am going to get a complete list together so
we have enough members to use until Carson or Kyle
do something about the Site Comments -

I will PM it to all the members who are on the list ::))


Hi Jyl, you should take a look at my recent post and check out some of the engagement it got, including one from Kyle and my reply.


Considering the lack of quality to comments I do not think that
the members who are putting rants on their blog post really
care that you did a blog about disapproving comments we all
know how to do that !!@!!!!!!


You're probably right, Susan.

Still, the post did get 134 comments.

I think the issue is that while we all know how to disapprove comments, many of us have been reluctant to do so. This is what will change as we begin to understand that the whole concept is under attack from 50 cent comment spammers.

I am starting my own way not use it along with many other members we are tired of wasting our credits for crap comments!!

Good luck with all you do Phil sorry we have all had enough

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