99 Per Cent Success!


A vehicle is needed to access the world of wealth. We know that such vehicles exist because the world has wealthy people. Though in existence, vehicles are not always accessible. It must be found.

That make those of us here very fortunate. Wealthy Affiliates is a mode of transport.

(A lesson requires that we blog within WA championing our success thus far).

Yesterday, I completed my tenth week here. I have learned much! Yes, I have been exposed to website creating, SEO, created content and even Page1 Google rankings. Needless to say, my use of technology has also increased markedly! And the wonderful thing is that the increase is an enrichment for a lifetime. There is great wealth in that!

My interactions within the WA community I also consider a success. Since joining, I have met many more people. It is fascinating to see stages of success displayed behaviorally, particularly the way that different individuals handle success. The people I most enjoy are those ennobled individuals that handle success with grace! These people are truly wealthy!

Learning to handle success with grace is a lesson that I wish to always study. I sincerely thank Wealthy Affiliate for the success I have experienced so far!

So yes, I have learned much, and have much more to learn. So under the vehicle theme I say, 'Let's roll'.

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Recent Comments


nice! i also find those handling success with grace more attractive and more inspiring and I am so happy to say that i have met many of them here.
Hats off for your staying power over the ten weeks and wishing you all the best for the next....years!

brilliant words

Jay 5, thank you!


Thanks Garden :)

Rozz what a wonderfully positive outlook you have. Totally enjoyed this blog and look forward to reading your others and your site once you launch. Keep me posted and let me know if I can help you along the way... Be a help - not a hinderence - that's the way "I ROLL".

I am Following you.

I left a comment in your post about grammar policing. I too like your writing style. It's fun and unexpected. Sends one back to see what you are writing about next.
I am glad to make the connection with you, And thanks for your offer of help if needed. You have my offer as well!

I certainly will. Presently I am struggling with finding a theme for a new website that is a "shopper's blog". There are soooo many themes to select from I'm getting dizzy! The left side of my brain is saying "YES, this one" and my right side is SAYING "What are you? 12???"

What are the shoppers buying?
And, if you point out themes you are considering, I can give an opinion about the way they look if that would help.
Developing some tech savvy, but it's not refined. I do know what I think looks good however.

I count on eyes other than mine. I'm not very objective about my stuff. Your input is appreciated. I will PM you details on my site.

Gracious Kahty, Thanks!
Good to hear from you today! Trust all is well!

Lovely blog post Rosilyn, and I agree, "Let's Roll!" :)


wonderful! thanks for your comment and time spent

Don't forget to honk, you might hit someone driving that fast down the road! Keep it up, I know you were feeling a little down the other day but just remember if you ever need motivating, cheerleading, or anything else that there is always someone here willing to fill the role =)

I did notice your support from the liking of one of my comments through the online chat. Somtimes, one person can encourage us. That person, has been you for the last several days. I thank you for going out of your way. Actually, I love it!
And, didn't know I was obvious, what gave me away?

LOL maybe im psychic! Though if that was the case I would have won the lotto by now... You had a comment somewhere that kind of hinted you were becoming discouraged with how slow things seemed to be moving which is actually extremely common so I keep an eye out for it. Nothing is worse than putting in a lot of work only to feel like that all your work isnt worth jack. Even if a person decides to scrap their original idea it is still great to think of everything as a learning experience and you will just be able to do it better and faster next time.

Considering I went through more starting sites than I would like to admit (I have zero patience) before settling and actually focusing on one that would eventually make a sale, I know it can be frustrating. So I just make sure to be awesome cheerleader Jean, sometimes thats all people need to keep at it long enough to start seeing some results. And of course I am available to anyone who wants to ask me questions about their site or keywords etc. I encourage anyone who thinks I might be helpful to send me a pm whenever they need.

Though as you have seen, there are LOTS of people here all willing to do the same thing.


I pick up something nice from you. I am going down my profile page to like every comment. If someone took the time to comment on my profile page, I like it!

Yes, maybe its commom to think once past the novelty of being able to create a site into 'will this site market well'. You know, the thoughts that now I can really go and market,,,what is the best product etc.

Creating my first site was so very exciting! WA is exceptionally good, I think, in teaching us how to do so.

I PMed you before I read your latest comment. You can disregard that PM. Just wish to always be gracious.

We have become more than just followers in the network, This has gone to a 'I know you better' level:). Great!

Wow, that was an awesome post. With that style of writing, there is no way you will not be another success story. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing and seeing the day that comes. Once again, great job!

I am fine now, thanks. I am, and always have been, excited about WA!
Thanks for the kind comments, And, thanks for looking out for my well being!

Well I'm excited about you! lol

Thanks, you are so kind:)

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