Video Removed By YouTube!

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I have just had my first video removed from one of my YouTube channels as it didn't line up with their terms and policies! In a way, I'm not surprised, but in other ways, I am surprised. I have three YouTube channels; however, this is the first video I have ever had removed.

The channel that I'm referring to is a news channel with a Christian view, which is very borderline as to YouTube's narrative. The amazing fact is that there are many news channels and Christian channels on YouTube. It appears that some people can get away with many things and other people quickly have a channel banned or videos removed.

To be fair to YouTube, they have given me an option for them to review the video. I haven't looked at their terms and policies as yet. YouTube has told me that it isn't a strike, so my channel isn't affected! I don't know if that's true or not, I am not sure if YouTube likes promoting content that it doesn't really agree with!

I'm not sure whether to appeal or not; maybe I ought to. Or I could just upload it to my Rumble channel. Rumble allows you to upload more controversial videos; they don't have the same rules and regulations that YouTube has.

I knew that when I started this particular YouTube channel, I would have to be careful with my titles and what I say on the channel. On a few of my videos, I have some notes below the video that talks about the context of the video. YouTube goes by what the United Nations says, which says a lot about YouTube!

I don't want to get political on Wealthy Affiliate, as it's not the place, but the title of my video was "Stand With Israel"! I believe that's why they didn't like the video; I don't know what would have happened if I changed the country name to the other way around!

A Few Thoughts And Questions On The Subject

Have you ever had a YouTube video removed?

Did you appeal?

Do you have a Rumble channel?

Thank you for reading.


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Hi there, Roy.

I would definitely find out more details and hopefully, you won't have to deal with this issue again. I don't understand how so many controversial videos get through the cracks on social media. There's a double standard lurking on certain platforms, including on YouTube.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Good morning Rachele,

Thank you for your comment, it's appreciated.

There are some interesting comments on this thread! I do have the option to appeal, so I may look into it. I feel the same, Rachele, the really are some quite controversial videos that seem to get into the system and have no problems. Jim (tech hound) makes an interesting comment.

Have a great day.



I don't think it's the "Stand with Israel" title, Roy, because there's plenty of videos with that in their title.

One thing I can't stand is that blue fact-checking panel they've started adding beneath certain videos, fact-checking the content that they don't agree with. So, we're supposed to take their side now as the gospel truth.

I would just place the video on Rumble.

Isaiah 😊

Thank you for commenting, Isaiah, it's appreciated.

That's an interesting comment, Isaiah, as I automatically thought that was probably what YouTube didn't like! I agree with you, this fact-checking is a way of taking away free speech, you have to agree with the narrative even if it's wrong!

You could be right about rumble, although Jim's (tech sound) comment is interesting.

All the best.


I am not a U-tuber Roy, but on my news feed I see that comments are blocked on contentious issues.
I do see their point as moderating the comments would probably be a nightmare, and they want to maintain their reader base rather than have half wander off somewhere else.
I think there have been lessons learned from Facebook factcheckers, which became a huge joke, with Facebook losing millions of users, along with providing meme makers with an endless supply of material.
I am not a big user of U-tube (music and wildlife mostly) or the book of faces, but it would be hard to keep everyone happy I imagine.
I would be asking why though.
I hope it works out Roy.
Enjoy the rest of the week.

Thank you for commenting, Michael, it's appreciated.

Yes, I can see both sides of the story, but I do like the idea of free speech. Providing that it is carried out in the right way, it's good to be able to debate things! Or to be able to put our side of the story across

The problem we have with platforms like Facebook and YouTube is that if it doesn't suit their narrative, they don't like it, even if it's right! I recently had a comment removed from Facebook about Covid! Apparently, it didn't line up with the World Health Organisation's terms and conditions! Which immediately sets off alarm bells for me!

All the best.


Yep... I'm hearing you!

Interesting and good to know as I prepare to start creating videos for my own YouTube channel. I'll be sure to carefully review their terms and policies, although my videos about screen printing and eventually MMO niches probably won't have any videos that YouTube considers controversial, or doesn't like.

Thanks for sharing this with us.


Thank you for commenting, Kevin, it's appreciated.

It's definitely good to check out YouTube's terms and policies etc. However, the good news for you is that I don't believe your subject will be controversial, as you mentioned. So, hopefully, you won't have any issues.

Wishing you all the best and every success with your YouTube channel.


Hey Roy,
I have had a few videos removed and I have even had a channel banned. In all cases, it was a result of bots randomly selecting those entities. I appealed and they said there was nothing wrong and reinstated. So it is worth trying.

Being that your channel goes against the grain of their rules (that they seem to make up on the fly), it could be a little tricker but still is worth appealing. At least you may get a bit of insight as to why they removed the videos (although prepare for a generic answer of possibilities rather than an exact explanation, unfortunately).
Best Regards,

Hello Jim,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my blog post, it's appreciated.

That's interesting, Jim, as I mentioned in my blog post some people seem to be able to get away with more than others. Having said that, we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. It's interesting that Google said that there was nothing wrong! That proves that the bots don't get everything right! I will give it a try!

It is the first video that I have had removed from YouTube, so I guess it's not too bad considering the subjects that I am talking about. Let's see what happens.

All the best.


Hey Roy, good luck on getting it back. It's annoying but unfortunately part of the landscape. When my channel got banned it was pretty new. They reinstated it after I appealed and said they agreed that the channel was fine. I haven't had a problem since and it's been 10 months. So hopefully if you get it back, they leave your stuff alone.

Best Regards,

Good morning Jim,

Thank you. I really appreciate your input and experience! That's true, it is annoying but certainly very much part of the landscape with these large platforms at the moment.

That's great that YouTube reinstated your channel; let's hope it carries on running smoothly. I will definitely give it a try.

Have a great day.


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