Where i think I am at. the Greenhorn at work


Today has been a very busy one and that includes 1/2 of a night shift I did this morning finishing at 4 am, but I had to complete what I thought would be very important to get approved by Awin, which I had applied for because it came up on several products I hade been looking to promote, so they wanted code added to check, ownership, Abie pointed me in the right direction for that for a WP add-on which was easy to complete the request with the minimum of confusion. Then I wanted to get my post finished for one of the products I would like to have in my portfolio, I wrote it myself then asked for outside AI helped to tidy up my writing then I had to customise it again before I was happy, and before the people that check Awin's applications woke up! haha, Finding suitable photos for that took some time to and adding the affiliate blurb, which I have ready for copy and paste, and posted it on 2 sites, but I haven't found a way yet to use the photos in WordPress in one sites media file so it takes time to double upload.

Done, finished and another hour trying to find the right theme to update my other site before I gave the details to Awin or others, still have not completed that task.

But my efforts were just rewarded because as of 2 hours ago I was approved by Awin, so now that is 3 approvals outside of WA, still need to tie down members of the Awin portfolio after completing my profile inside Awin. I went through the hoops with Amazon last week, which seems a little harder when applying from outside of the USA, but I am approved. That was important because every possible WA affiliate suggestion defaulted to Amazon, which in a lot of cases went to a book for sale on Amazon, not my product. A little disappointing, but I will get them on the outside!!

This was chasing me on my yacht one day, quite the power house, but how my head felt yesterday reminded me of this, mind spinning and direction not clear!

The first of my FaceBook pages is live and at the last count, I have 12 followers, and 1 like.

Reactivated my LinkedIn account and was pounded with old outdated requests, cleared that out, and reworked my profile, but still a post is needed.

I have rewatched many of Kyles training videos to help me with some of these tasks, using 2 devices to work through the direction and advice.

I am following the direction of 'visual' for my 3rd social media choice as my niche is very visual, I need to see if anyone is in Dubai as I need some photos of work I did there, which I know I did have back some time ago, but I can't find them now.

Sorted Superb Themes out, just waiting on my refund, next, first will be my Awin profile, then I need to tackle Google Analytics and see if I can square away the contradicting reports.

Not bad for a Green Horn.

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Recent Comments


You're doing good! Keep it up, but like everyone tells me, make sure to get rest, too!


Do you know your blog post is not even on the blog roll? I don't know precisely what is happening. Abie

I appreciate the mention here, Robby! And congrats on your Awin, lol!


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