Updates Of The Updates is Finally Complete For Now And WA & One Of Their Competitors

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Updates Of The Updates

Well, the great news is I have finished my corrections, to the point that I can live with them to 77 posts and 9 pages. I do expect that from time to time to find minor mistakes.

The point is that I feel I made these mistakes because there is so much to learn in the very early stages, and although I have only been on board with WA for just over 3 months I have been able to dedicate a lot of hours to learning and then relearning again, which is a good thing.


There is no way WA could pack in any more learning in the early parts because it would be just too much for the average non-affiliate marketing or website person. Yes, now I could make a reasonable job with a new website, but I would still be learning. There is just so much to it, and to make it a success. It does take time if you want to do it right, I am sure with enough money you could pay for many shortcuts by others doing much of it for you, but where is the fun or challenge in that?

The Other Company

To put it in perspective, I had spent 2+ months on another platform called Launch You, paid 2.5 times the money and learnt diddly squat in that time except for a glamorous overview and how to become one of their minions. Not even a taste of how to build a website


Having conducted some basic research on Amazon AP & API, that is more for a fully blown storefront operation, which is not my current plan. But what does happen after your approval is that your Sitestripe after following the link from the approval email, changes to an Amazon Associates Sitestripe, and from what I have read (could be wrong) you can now copy and paste away to improve whatever you are posting.


From my understanding, the AP & API is integrated software to works with a Plugin to track bulk sales and make it easier and faster to complete that task.

But I am quite happy to copy and paste away, but just by writing this post it has made me think, Has it changed all my prior links or will they still work, that would be a real pain in the butt.

AI Observations

My latest observations on AI, FaceBook is now building its date to improve your experience with collected and present AI or some similar BS to plague you with content, but then for affiliate marketers, it could be a great thing working in reverse to give others our content.

The best one so far this week for me which has helped me already is Yoast’s intro of AI in sorting out your optimum (from their view) SEO data, you do need to check it though as it popped what it thought was needed, which it was, but it put the text in my affiliate disclosure! Hahaha

Now, I do believe this is a premium feature, which I have, Rank Math is also saying that you need to AI optimise it, it's offered suggestions, but every time I click on it, it says you need to upgrade.

Me, I learn the rules from one SEO optimiser and then apply the learning to the other and visa versa because both Rank Math and Yoast have their benefits, but Rank Math’s standard package is far more comprehensive than Yoast’s, but it does make me wonder what Rank Maths’s premium package might be like.

Comedy Act

On another note, I am starting to think that Eric and Jay should become a comedy act! But it's still great stuff that they feed us.

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Many different ways to harness AI. Would be nice to know them all.

What have you learned from Eric's webinar today?

For me, it was the EYE test...


For me a lot more, the eye test I got the other week, I just wish I could harness the power of the AI easier as he keeps bringing up


Two points Rob.
1. Do you have both Yoast and Rank Math on the same site or different sites? They don't play well together
2. I subscribed to Rank Math for a year. I didn't find their AI useful so downgraded. I will tell you what I use in Rank Math if you want to know.

I'm curious, Richard, what DO you use in RankMath?


Hi Richard,
Different sites, its funny you bringing up the upgrade to Rank Math as I was just reading up on it.
But like you said early on, what you get with the basics is more than Yoast, and Yoast wants you to upgrade for each site, where as Rank Math is for multiple sites.
I think everyone's AI will make leaps and bounds I have just had a great and funny retort with Gemini, I think I have made my first AI deal haha

Take care Richard

Ps That site was up for sale Expats...

Kyle mentioned the possible blacklist of Rankmath soon because of a security risk if my memory serves me correctly. It was mentioned in open chat a week or so ago. I took note because I use rankmath myself on a couple of sites and yoast on others. Personally I prefer Yoast over RM.


There are regular security holes identified with many plugins that are usually "plugged" as soon as they are discovered.

Hi Rudy
In the free version of Rank Math I use:
404 Monitor
Image SEO
Instant Indexing
Plus, of course, the SEO scoring system, which I only use for guidance.

In addition I use it to:
Remove Categories from URLs
Automatic redirections (very useful)
Automatically open external links in new tabs
Add missing Alt Text to images
Edit robots.txt
HTML sitemap (I use it as a post title list in main menu)

I don't bother with:
Content AI
Link counter
Local SEO
Role manager
Google web stories
WooCommerce (not tried this, might on a shopping site in the future).

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