I Resign My Job on Monday Because of WA!


UPDATE: I decided to continue on my current job because boss offered me a big raise and a "promotion". Anyway, I will keep on growing my online business every single day and I will become a full-time entrepreneur sooner or later.

As I have promised in my last posts, I make a short review in the end of each month on what kind of progress I am making in the process of becoming a full-time online entrepreneur.

In the end of this article I will tell a bit more about quitting my job.

Here were my goals for March and a short evaluation did I do achieve them:

1.Publish 40 articles (31 + 9). => Done. I published 41 articles in total.

2.Go through Kyle's Google Adwords training and add PPC campaigns. => I learned that Google Adwords is almost impossible with my current websites so I decided to concentrate on BingAds.

3.Optimize my 10 most visited pages. => I optimized some of my most visited pages. Still lots of work to do there.

4.Make new income record per month from my websites. => I beat my old record on WA-referrals greatly. I was even a bit surprised and quite satisfied with my progress.

5.Test outsourcing some LanguagesAreEasy-articles => I outsourced one article on LanguagesAreEasy.com.

My organic traffic grew +35% on YourOnlineRevenue.com and LanguagesAreEasy.com is beating new records all the time with organic traffic.

However, something strange happened in the end of this month. My new articles on YOR didn't get ranked on Google. Usually, they get ranked on the first or the second page within a few hours. Now some of them are not ranked even after a week of publishing.

Goals for April 2017

1.Publish 30 + 9 (=39) articles. Every day on YourOnlineRevenue and 2 times on LanguagesAreEasy

2.Publish 3 Youtube-videos every week..Learn how to get more traffic and put it into action.

3.Double WA-referrals by optimizing pages and growing traffic

4.Create 50 PPC-ad groups on BingAds.

5.Take massive action. No procrastination.

I am very excited because on Monday I will go to talk to my boss that I am going to quit my job. I work as a transport manager but I feel that I can't reach my full potential there.

I want to concentrate on building a successful online business which gives a greater satisfaction and serves more people.

My last work day will be in May if we don't agree that it would be even earlier. The only reason that I wouldn't quit is if they give me a big raise but I guess that it won't happen.

My goal is to build a successful online business and move to Asia (or to another country in Europe) in the end of this year 2017.

I don't play poker ever anymore but now I want can use a poker term about my online business:

I'm all in.

I would love to hear what do you think? Do you have tips how to achieve greater success? Are you going to become a full-time Internet marketer too?

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Recent Comments


Wow well done Roope :) I quit my job and change my 9-to-5 career from Corporate Finance into Digital Marketing field too to learn many things about Online Marketing. Some people said this is a crazy move because it made my position and salary decreased, but they just can talk to my hand LOL.

Now that my 9-5 job and my online business are aligned, I learn twice as much as before I still in my finance career. Even I can cope the stress of being a digital marketer rather than a corporate finance. Money will come eventually when you love what you do.

When you really into something, give it all you have :) Wish you the best.


You are really focused and motivated which is extremely reassuring to see.

Great achievements Roope. All in under 2 years.
That is fantastic, be sure to reward yourself.

I quit my job 4 weeks ago after 7 years as an accountant. Best decision I ever made. Good luck with your decision.

You have been very busy and focused on your goals and I can see that if you keep on this track, and I know your will, then success will definitely by yours.

All the best and keep on stroking,


Great progress! It's interesting about the recent Google page ranking drop and I wonder why that is. 39 articles a month is very impressive especially while holding down a full-time job. I can only imagine how many you'll be able to write after you quit your job:) Wishing you the best for your future success, Erica

Nice to see people getting ahead, congrats and good luck on your online business.

Congrats on your decision. This is my dream too but for the moment I'm too far off.

These are great goals and accomplishment!!! I'm actually trying to do this fulltime as well. But,as quick advice I will say to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Go steady, work hard and always enjoy breaks. I know a lot of business into online marketing and that is the first thing they always so it to keep it consistent, keep it steady and take a break to just do other things! Enjoy!

That is very courageous. You have a Great Plan for success.

Leon B.

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