Taxes and affiliate nextworks... what's the deal?
How do taxes work when you're are appart of an affiliate network? what forms do we need to fill? I don't want to get into any trouble. :/
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Good question, I haven't earn't anything but I would assume you have to declare any earnings. A good affiliate link should guide you in this.
It all depends on what country you are in. For example, in the US usually you have to fill out a w-9. If you make more than $600 that program then will send you a 1099 form which states how much money they paid to you and they also report that income to the IRS(United States taxing authority).
I believe you are from Canada based on what you put in your profile. I'm not exactly sure how things work up in Canada though.
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Check with a local CPA most will not charge for that kind of question. You could also contact your local tax office for State and Federal.
Thank you i'll try that