Can I ask a favor of you? I need some constructive critism so my site will rank.
Hi everyone, can you all take some time and critique or even possibly leave comments on my site for me. I have been working on my site for almost 3-4 weeks with tweaking and adding content but am still not ranking with this particular site when my others are. Due to this not sure what I maybe missing.
Thanking everyone in advance for your assistance. almost forgot my link:
Recent Comments
On the right side of your site, there is a link that says categories. You could have diet, treatment, exercise, etc for categories. If you need help with this, let me know. It's a good way to set up a clean easy to navigate menu.
and all the blog posts would be in a roll. Check out my site for a category idea.
Hi there. I didn't know too much about diabetes until I read your web site. My suggestion to you is to start a blog. Blog about your challenges, blog about how your exercise and what can be eaten or not eaten. Blog about natural alternatives and how to get off insulin. Blog about different insulin treatments and how they interact with the body and how they are taken (injection, pill, etc.) Within the blogs, get high ranked keywords and write, write, write. Since you experience diabetes firsthand, I'm sure you can share a lot of your struggles and help people with their treatment. Maybe start a recipe for diabetic friendly foods. A blog page with categories would be the answer for you. You could start with the first blog being about where would you go if you think you are diabetic and move onto "You have diabetes, now what?" "Foods that help with diabetes treatment." "Exercising-a helpful solution to diabetes." "Weight loss to help diabetes treatments." "Want to get off insulin? 10 ways to help." So on and so forth. You have a good start though. Don't be frustrated. You have a good outline.
Your homepage could be an invitation of what people would/could find on your site and move the diabetes informational info to another page/post.
Hi Richard,
I agree with the comments below regarding your site search rankings. Perhaps you just need to add more keyword rich content to get better rankings. Of course all this takes many weeks to build and improve rankings.
The first thing that struck me about your site was that I found your text font size was too large and bold, which for me was tiring to read. Otherwise the site is really good and informative.
I agree with the others that your site has mainly general information about diabetes which will make it almost impossible to compete with the big guys.
If I had diabetes or was borderline diabetic, I would already have a general knowledge of what diabetes is and I would be looking for a website that can help me get my blood sugar levels back to normal without medication, i.e. I would be looking to manage my diabetes with a change of diet. I would already have learned from other websites that it might be a good idea to replace sugar with stevia, but I would also have read that stevia can leave a bitter taste, so I would want recommendations for specific brands of stevia that are better formulated so they don't leave so much of a bitter taste, or tips to disguise the bitter taste, etc. You could have a page about the glycemic index and have a list of foods and where they are on that scale. You could have a page on how exercise can help, what kind of exercise is best for diabetics etc.........If you can add this sort of information to your website, I am sure you will get a following. One of the people I learned from told me about writing content 'Remember, you are not Wikipedia'.
Hope this helps.
I checked out your site. I'm not that knowledgeable about diabetes. I noticed under the signs and symptoms page, it should be "hypoglycemia is the opposite of diabetes". I would just see if you can find some better keywords.
Like your site a lot Richard and left you a comment. Perhaps BlunderBabe is correct - a little too generic - which could be my problem with my site as well.
Cheers - John.
Jovandi- I'm awesome at giving implementing it is something else. I think that is the problem for 99% of us...targeting and reeling in our niche audiences. But the great thing if you started too generically -you can still keep all that content on your website--you just build and expand on it. So, in the long run, a generic start isn't a bad thing, even if it doesn't generate traffic right away.
Your site is very general. Remember you're competing with numerous other sites for attention. You must be unique. In one of my trainings they said you have an average of 3 seconds to get a reader's attention. Your website should immediately tell the reader what it's about, who it's about (which yours does) and finally what they get out of reading it that they can't get elsewhere. Keep adding valuable content.
What key words are you targeting ? You have lots of general information on diabetes--but is it unique? That's important. Try to target an aspect of diabetes or treating a symptom of it. Maybe homeopathic treatment for diabetes (I don't know how much key word competition there is in the niche--so make sure to research that). Also, include more informative articles--like 10 ways to mange your diabetes symptoms, lower your cholesterol the natural way, etc.
The problem with targeting just diabetes is that you most likely will never rank on google's first page which is full of high authority sites like WebMD and Get more specific and I bet you'll see your rankings climb.
Good luck!
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Kary skis. I hope you realize I am not being critical, I love your sight and wish you well. However, I found an error- " with simply be" should be "simply by" -in your privacy page. Just thought you would like to know.