Setting Goals Versus Objectives

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Today’s post is based on a TikTok video that I observed this morning. In this video, a young man was hailed as a great thinker because of his views on setting goals.

In his opinion of goal setting, he stated:

“Goals are dumb because a goal is the simplest way to fail. See, if you set a goal and you don’t achieve it, you ruin your self-esteem. If you set a goal and you do achieve it, congrats; but what if you don’t, you could have done more…. We all do something like this: … at 26, I want to be married; at 28, … I want to have kids; by 30, I want to own a home. But what happens when you’re 31 and you have none of those things? Now you start to question yourself.

I no longer believe in goals. I believe in setting an objective with no limitations, because a goal is an end towards which energy is aimed, but why in the world would I start something with the end in mind?”

I really just had to address this!

I had a rough time reconciling with his thoughts on this topic. We should never be thought of as wrong for having differing opinions. We are all entitled to our own beliefs.

Nevertheless, from my perspective, I believe the opposite. That objectives are merely the milestones of a goal. We prepare to reach each step one by one.

In my opinion, it is not wise to begin a journey without a destination in mind. You must provide a means of checks and balances.

Otherwise, you could be spinning your wheels by achieving less than your actual potential.

For example, let’s say I plan a road trip on my motorcycle. My destination, wherever it may be, is my goal.

It can also be perceived as my objective; however, I see my true objectives as what happens during my journey. The longer the trip, the my objectives can be installed.

Planned stops are my objectives on this ride. To be totally efficient during this road trip, planning is everything.

Frequency of stops during the trip are objectives. Visiting sites during my journey are objectives.

In the event that time is a factor, my goal is to arrive at my destination on schedule. To do so, I adhere to a plan, because my objective is to arrive within the allotted time.

The young man is not wrong in his belief; however, I hold that the term goals and the perception of objectives can be interchangeable.

In which the limitations he spoke of only occur if you deny yourself the opportunity to excel beyond your belief.

Exceeding goals increases our potential; therefore, it can be described as an objective too. Objective do not outweigh nor eliminate goals.

In my humble opinion, goals and objectives accentuate one another. Reaching one does not negate the other.

The floor is open, tell me which side of this coin do you stand on. Clarification means a teachable moment and we all have room to expand our knowledge base.

And I close out by saying, we need what we need!

If we keep our minds right, we can keep our bodies tight!

Information is free, come enjoy some with me. Join me and let us make sense of it all! We can do it together.

If you have not done so already, please read the previous topics to benefit from the information.

Feel free to reach out in the space below. I welcome the opportunity to have a discussion with you.

To your success and growth,


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Recent Comments


Objectives not goals, love it.

Great post, Canty! I like how you've expressed the idea that goals and objectives are interchangeable. Perception is all in the eye of the beholder, as they say. So whatever works!

I tend to agree and share in your thoughts. However one wants to frame it, I believe it's important to look ahead and keep it moving.


Absolutely, Susan! As long as it’s moving, we cannot say it’s broken.


I think goals and objectives are just names that can be interchangeable. What you achieve along the way to your goal or objective I refer to as milestones. People can call them different names but what really matters is what is achieved and that it doesn't stop.


That’s outstanding, Barbara! Whatever you call it, don’t stop.

Have an awesome day,

You too!


Nice one, Canty, but all I do is plan to wake up the next morning! With that objective accomplished, for the rest of the day, the sky is the limit, my friend!


Kool, Jeff! It is but by grace that we endure.


It is, indeed, my friend!


I understand what he is saying but I am more in agreement with you.
It's the way in which he look at things

If I set a goal and for some reason it is not achieved, this will give me a chance to re-evaluate and re-assessed my goal to see whether it was realistic or achievable.

Sometimes we just set goals without considering how and what it may take to get there

Maybe he could also set small milestones in between his goals as this can serve to encourage him to reach there.
Setting goals are always fun, exciting and challenging. It shows, measures and determine one's growth and progress

Absolutely, Simone! We are in the same box.


Definitely ;)

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