What My Friends Know Me For ...
About a week and a half ago our kibbutz underwent an unexpected and sudden 'hailstorm' with very strong winds that brought a couple of trees down. Leaves were blown all over the whole place and a blanket of white (hail - not snow...) covered the whole place.
Early evening and during the following days the phone just wouldn't stop ringing. Calls for 'SOS' and 'Instantly need help' for frozen shoulders, neck spasms, back aches, and many other kinds of pains (that I knew were somehow related to the cold and the horrible weather) were the main complaints. And they came hobbling, covered, bundled heavily (upon my advice) to keep warm as much as possible. And they went back home relieved, tired, and vowing never to let the cold make havoc of their bodies again.
Treating these people was (and still is-) my vocation, my work, my way of life even up until the time that I retired about a year ago. Somehow I can't turn away someone who calls and says - 'Please help...I'm suffering...' And my joy bubbles over especially when I am able to help them.
And now to my friends at WA whom I have seemingly forgotten to get into contact these past few days ( I make it a point to communicate with those who have posted to me at least a couple of hours everyday- everyday...)
No, I have not forgotten nor forsaken...
I have simply been swamped with sooooo much work...
And I hope you'll understand.
And don't worry - we'll be in touch and we'll be blogging again to our heart's content !!!
Recent Comments
Hey man,, i hope all's well. I remember you telling me to rub my wife's foot after knee replacement. I always remember some one who cares. How are you. Be well
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Hi Raul nice to see your post again.