I Do Realise That it is Monday

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Good Evening to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family as always do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.

Got rather tied up with a number of things yesterday, by the time that Evening came along and I had sometime, this would be around 21.45, I was just to worn out to bother even switching the computer on. (I know poor old soul!)

The truth is that my daughter sat with Yvonne so that I could go to the football with the lads, I know twice in four days!! We may have lost but the trip out did me good. The kick off was not until 5.45, hence the late return.

It has certainly been one of those weeks, as you will read.

The Last Few Days

As usual most of the time has been spent tending to Yvonne, some of the time she is asleep for hours, but when she is awake she can be very demanding, when this happens and I get depressed, I just think well at least I still have her to run round for.

Today I was brought up a little short, when my nurses came, who were absolutely superb, they did everything that the careres do, leaving me tell the carers to come back later. They also did a brilliant job cleaning Yvonnes mouth and her good eye, she is a mess bless her, but she is my mess.

The Staff Nurse asked me if I was arganised when anything happened, I looked at her a little blank, she said such as who to phone, I replied that I was, she then floored me "Have you decided which undertaker you will use?" That really did me, yes I have thought about it but that is all.

It had not really sunk in, that after the nursing staff, the undetaker is the next person to be called. We have one that I was going to use, but they have some problems, so have to do some ringing round asking forprices and what is included.

Spoke to my daughter who said get at least three quotes, and by the way, we will be sending our own flowers, possibly with Richard. In some ways this has hurt me, as If I am being left out of the family already. But we will see, I know a few feel that I am to blame for Yvonne not seeking medical advice, but she is a grown woman and entitled to make her own decisions. However we will see what happens.

If the children want to not be over involved with me later is up to them, I have a lot of friends around the world, I can always travel, but I must not worry until it happens, as it just might not!!

Did manage to spend an hour in the garden, was able to pot up some hyacynths and tulips, which are outside in the back door. Looking forward to the tulips as they are a double variety, have five more different ones to find space for, it is time that I am short off.

I am looking at a few different business ideas as well, when I have the time to get going again.

The Next Few Days

It will be taking each day as it comes from now on, but it will be what it is.

Be happy, healthy and wealthy.

Please do stay safe.

God Bless.


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Tough times indeed Stuart.... stay as strong as you can for those around you and also yourself....

I haven't been on the platform for a while but.... always feel free to reach out and contact me if you ever need to ok!

My prayers and best wishes are with you and Yvonne moving forward...


Hi Jessie,

Many thanks for this, have good and bad days, (both of us!!)

As we all do my friend...

Look after yourselves and enjoy the weekend ok!


Best wishes, Stuart.

I do follow along with you, and I understand the difficulties you are facing and the emotional toll they take.

Stay strong, live healthily, and take it day by day.

You have a virtual family here and I hope that can be a source of strength for you.


Thank you Richard, the virtual family are my strength at the moment.


As I'm trying to recoup and regroup from my own Christmas travels, I've been close to home and did notice that you did not post on Sun. I was about to write to you when I saw your post.

This has to be a really hard time for you. Knowing that the end is near and taking action on the details that need to be worked out are 2 different things. Thankfully my MIL and parents had it all worked out as I do for my children but it was still hard when the time came and I know it will be hard for my children. Unless you have no heart what so ever, it's all a painful process. I'm so sorry.

As far as blaming you, I agree. It's not like she was a child and you can only do so much. I fear I'd be like her. I hate to go to doctors which frustrates my family and friends as well. Grown, stubborn women can be a handful.

One day at a time is a great plan.
Thinking of you
Your VW

Hi VW,

Pleased that you are back from your travels.

Regarding you not going to the Doctor's, a cousin and also an old friend both said that they would not have sort advice.

Regarding the Undertaker, my son-in-law, once worked as a motorcycle rider for a firm, they have have given him a decent discounted price, so I will use them.

My daughter has spoken to me over the flowers, she did not mean to cut me out.

It certainly is very difficult, neither now wish to discuss it anymore, just hope that I make the right decisions!!

Surprise, surprise, that I am no longer an Ambassador, but it was fun while it lasted!

Take care, and have a wonderful New Year.

God Bless,

As always,

Your VW

You will make the right decisions. You have a good head on your shoulders and are not making rash decisions.

I'm happy to hear you've sorted out issues with your family. That seemed to be weighing on you.

On a happier note, i AM hoping for a better New Year. Some changes need to be made in my life and I'm praying that God will help me with the stamina to follow through.

Have a great rest of your week.

Your VW

Not sure about the right decisions, but I will certainly try too!

If you feel that you have decisions to make to change things, please think very carefully first before you do.

Take great care dear lady, enjoy the rest of the week.

As always
Your VH

So much to deal with, Stuart. My goodness. Hang in there. Best wishes to you.


Susan as always many thanks.


Hi Stuart,

Indeed, take it a day at a time, for no one truly knows what tomorrow will really bring.
That is what I live by.

Stay strong and keep that love in your heart flowing.

Virtual hug going your way

Thank you so very much Christine.

Best wishes


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