Getting Messy

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Good Afternoon to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family, as always do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.

Another silly week, cricket mixed with bad weather and getting myself mixed up by trying to do far too much when I have a spare moment or two, mainly getting myself confused when attempting to sort out what to put where with regard to what items to put in the new USB, also what to start working on next, I do have a lot to decide but as yet I am just getting in a mess.

The Last Few Days

The introduction just about sums things up, but I will try to expand on the above.

Monday and Thursday were both dry days, so spent them at the only two days of cricket which we had. The Thursday game was a women's international between England and Pakistan , most enjoyable, as was the meal, the Cheese board was really good.

Did a little gardening but rain did interfere with my plans.

Regarding business, have found myself getting very disorganised, this will really have to stop, must make plans to change how I operate the business before total chaos interupts and wastes years of work.

It is almost a case of chasing my tail and getting absolutely no where, but I will have to do a lot of thinking and get things sorted out in a more proffessional manner.

Have found a lot more material which needs to be sorted and decided what to do with it, regarding which websites to use and what needs to be done with them.

The Next Few Days

Think that the only way to sort out the mess that I appear to have got into, is to take a blank sheet of paper and go through all that I have found, listing he websites that they will go on and what I can do with them, then repurpose into books, booklets. blogs etc.

It will create a load of work but I have got to get back to basics and make a serious effort to not only get back on track, but in a professional and organised manner, things are getting out of hand once more.

Had a walk round the garden last night, did not realise how much everything has grown due to all the rain that we have had recently. Intend to try to spend at least one hour a day in the garden each day, weather permitting, with luck that should make a start on the overgrown site which I have at the moment.


Having just read the fore going, and it strikes me that we have been here before, must get more organised, reduce the amount of work that I give myself, and generally be more in control of my destiny. Otherwise just what I am doing trying to run a business in the first place.

Have decided to properly plan the next few days, even if nothing tangible is produced.

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Please do stay safe,

God Bless


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Recent Comments


Well hello, VH!!!

I'm FINALLY back from all my travels. It feels good to be home. There's something about having a routine that is comforting. The cruise did NOT go as planned and, as usual, the visit to my MIL is stressful but I did get to see friends. My SIL who is a Hospice nurse tells me that my MIL has 6 mos at best. So, I've prepared my kids although she IS 96 so it doesn't come as a big surprise.

I laughed at your blog this week. You sound totally discombobulated! I can't leave you alone for a minute I guess. 🤣🤣🤣 You get all disorganized and out of control. Well, now I'm back so must get yourself to work -- well, a nice balance of work and play. I'm sure you'll find a way to get back on track.

I mean, it could be worse, I've gone to an over 8,000 ranking. That tells you how long I'VE be slacking. I need to get back on track as well but it's summer. At least I'll be home for a while now.

So, YOU have a great week and I hope you're able to refocus.

Take care
Your VW

Hi VW,

At last you return, did miss your mails, did not realise that you were going NY as well, you lead such a busy life!!

Notice that my rating is now 52, it does flutuate, depends on my mood!

If memory serves you had a Birthday whilst you were away, hope that you had a great day, belated love and kisses.

It is difficult for the kids regarding your xMIL, mine have only just realised what is happening, something that I have known for possibly ten years. Things do appear to be getting worse.

The weather is not helping me get the garden sorted out, doing jobs in the house and on the business.

Welcome back!

Have a great week and take care.

As always your VH

Stuart, I feel I am very much in the same boat as you. Disorganized, throwing too much on myself and at the wall to see what sticks. And what to do when it all drops off onto the floor and I have to start over!

It sounds like you know what needs to be done and now it is a matter of doing it. Spending time outdoors in the garden sounds like a good habit to have and it certainly sounds like one that you enjoy!

Hope you can get the mess sorted and just know that you are not alone!


Hi Karin,
Many thanks for this reply it made me laugh at some of your comments.

Appreciate your support.

Hav e a great week, and I hope that all you throw at the wall does not drop on the floor.


I just know the feeling of frustration when things pile up. You got this! I have a broom and dustpan at the ready in case it all falls to the floor!


🤣 I'm laughing because so many of us are sitting in the exact same place as you are. We don't know if we need to make a list and get everything done by Friday. Or if we can do six things this week and four the next? Is getting there fast, the measure or is it how we get there that matters.
I am definately having that week. The same one you had and that several others had. And some weeks I am going to go off course, but as long as I can eat some of the cheese and mess around in the the garden, I can get it together again.
You have a beautiful plan and you'll put it into play and all will be well. Because messiness is just one those things that are going to happen. Take care and continue to live beautifully. I can see that you got this. :)

Thank you so much for the considered reply, which is very much appreciated.

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience. It really resonates with what many of us are feeling. 😊

It is so nice not to be alone!!

I can certainly relate right now, Stuart--a lousy business week, and then an albeit relaxing holiday weekend, but I have a long way to go to get back on track!

You'll get there!


You and me both Jeff.

Take care.


Thanks, Stuart! You too, my friend!


I certainly understand the need to figure things out and "get back to basics". Again, I am at that place myself. Some health problems has derailed things for awhile but. am set to go again. I guess we will settle in again over the same period of time.

Thanks Jim, it is so nice that we have similar problems and that I am not alone with mine.

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