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Good Evening to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family, as always do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well!

First of all may I offer my most sincere thanks for your so very kind comments, love and prayers reagrding the health of my wife. I was delighted to also receive a message from Kyle, so very kind, like all the messages.

It will not be any surprise to learn that a lot of my time is now spent looking after my wife, but I managed to do some bits on the business and the garden.

The Last Few Days

I was able on one day to plant a lot of spring bulbs, Tulips, Daffodils and Dutch Iris, all inter mingled with the new plants which I have planted in the lower flower garden.

Sill do have a lot of work to do, but that will depend on the weather, managed to go for a walk after lunch, did not realise just how strong the wind was thanks to Storm Ashley, I struggled to keep my feet at times, but it was very refreshing.

Must confess that I needed the walk as I had a rather heavy lunch. Crispy Camambert with a Cranberry dip, followed by Lamb Shank with roast potatoes, mixed vegetables and a mint gravy, finished off with a tiramsu to put it mildly it was totally delicious.

Have been able to do a little work on my affiliate project, I kept getting reminders that my space was low, so moved some of the projects to the USB which helped, then I discovered that my main deleted file had no fewer that 24,000 plus items on it. So operation de-clutter was launched.

The problem that I have in removing some of these files, is the fact that I get anything from 4/600 new mails a day, which have to be removed in addition to the files that are already in the delete file.

Up to earlier this afternoon the file was down to just over 18k. It just takes such a long time as I need to check that the files can be deleted, just reading the title is usually enough.

The Next Few Days

Must be honest at this moment in time I really do not know, I have a number of thoughts to think about, not to mention which websites to use. I have made a start on deciding which products, articles and notes should go with which website.

I will continue to de-clutter when I am able too, the sooner that I get this done the better, but must confess that it does take a great deal of time, however I will get there. The one problem, which you will understand, is how much time I have to spend looking after my wife, this I just cannot begin to guess, as it changes daily.

Would like to get back to more training, but we will see!!


Hardly surprising that it has been a bit of a mixed week, but I like to think that I can get things sorted out.

Be happy, healthy and wealthy.

Please do stay safe.

God Bless


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Hello Stuart,

I am sorry to hear your wife is not well, I am so glad she has you to help her, that is truly beautiful.

Your lunch sounds delicious and yummy, I am not sure what tiramsu is but it all sounds so satisfying.

I find that decluttering is an ongoing situation in my home, mind and for sure my computer emails. It is one of life's guaranteed tasks.

Bit by bit you will get through it.

I have been thinking of getting back to some WA training too, to see what's new.

Wishing you a wonderful new week :)

Kind regards

Hello VH

How nice to hear that you got a message from Kyle. That was really sweet . He's so hands on and I love that about him.

As I've said before, you have a lot on your plate right now so you must prioritize. Your wife comes first. You've been married a long time and used to having someone around so it's understandable that you'd get lonely and need someone to talk to. You just seem like an outgoing type person though and that makes it even more difficult. It's a good idea to take a break and get out and about. It clears your mind AND gives you some interaction with others. I'm just the opposite. I could be alone in my house for DAYS and be happy as a clam. Different personalities.

I can relate to your operation declutter though. That can take HOURS. I hate doing that. I end up down many rabbit holes. The same with sorting through my pictures--which I need to do. These are ENDLESS tasks.

Well, I'm still fighting this cold. Sometimes I feel like I'm winning then it pops back up so I'm going to bed early again tonight. Today was the last day for a week that I get to sleep in. I have something every morning now until next Monday. Maybe that's why I felt so calm at my exMILs after everyone left. My days weren't jam packed and I could take it a moment at a time. I had time to talk to the neighbors--I KNEW the neighbors. That is not my life in VA.

Anyway, you have a wonderful week. Take time to smell the roses!!!
Your VW

Hi Stuart,

Glad to hear that you're managing to balance your time between caring for your wife and tending to your garden.

I can relate to the challenge of managing a large number of emails and files. It sounds like you're making good progress with your decluttering efforts. All the best for your affiliate project!

I wish you and your wife good health.


Hi Tim,

Many thanks for your kind remarks.


Ah, yes, decluttering! I believe it's an ongoing chore that hangs from your shoulders for your entire life. Good luck!

Also, hoping your wife's health will improve. Bless you for being there to care for her! You are providing a service that no one else can provide in the same way. And, keep up the heavy lunches -- sounds delicious.

Thanks for your comments which are much appreciated.

Regarding the heavy lunches that is a Sunday treat, and not every week!!

In my prayers Raf

So grateful.

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