My Light bulb moment!

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Talk about a light bulb moment!!!!!!

I've been sitting here reminising about some times in my life that seemed less difficult, when challenges seemed to have answers, and then it hit me! Like a hammer up the side of my head..... I'm going to get a little personal here. Like many of us here, I am having money troubles and I can't seem to find a way out without going worse in debt. I'm building my website, submitting it everywhere I can think of, but I don't have it set up with many affiliate links yet, so how am I going to succeed???

Work the training!!

No duh, right? well this is a legitimate business that takes time to learn and grow. It is not a fake get rich over- night deal. I always feel better when I'm on here, and I haven't been today, I've been worried about how to feed three adults for a month on very limited funds.

So, I am going to write this blog to get my head straight and then I am going to pick one of the low hanging fruit titles I came up with the other night in a moment of frenzied motivation and I am going to write a blog about it and put another link in. Slow and steady works best.

I looked at the ceiling and gave a silent "Thank you Lord" and now here I am back where I should be. This is it people, the place where dreams are made to come true if we follow the training. My other website has massive traffic but very few sales.

Then I remembered Kyle saying a customer will look an average of 7 times before they buy. So it may not be me. But it probably is.... LOL!!

So keep doing what you're doing people. Work the training, participate, build your site, contribute to it everyday and you'll make it. I look to the people who have been successful for so long and ask them my questions.

I was here before and made Ambassador in record time. But you know what? I didn't make one single red cent. So the lesson there that I learned is DON'T FOCUS ON THE NUMBERS! Yeah, I'd heard that before, but I can see the truth in it now. Content, content, content. Everything will fall into place.

I know for many of us Friday is nearly over, but for others it's just starting and then there are those that are already into Saturday. So where ever you are in the world, thank you for choosing Wealthy Affiliate because as a team we can make it. As a single person we can't.

Get yourself motivated, write up more content, add some links where they fit best and before you know it, well...... SUCCESS!!!!!

God Bless everyone and have an incredibly awesome weekend!!!!


Rae Anne

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Hi Rae Anne,

Absolutely ground zero 101.




Thank you Becky

Very nice Rae! I love the image!! So cool. I haven't forgotten about the research I am doing for you. I will have to summarize it for you soon.

I'm sending you a pm. we got some of his test results back. Thanks for the compliment too.

That is a great post, I couldn't have said it better myself and you are right content, content, content is the key and I myself and working on just that among other things too.

You've got the point. I don't think I have the time to do a post a day like an Ambassador's post I read, but then she's running more than one site. But I do what I can.

That is all anybody can do is their best. You do what you can because if you don't you will become overwhelmed and that is not good.

Good post, and nicely written, too. Thanks.:)

Thank you!!!! You have no idea how much I needed to hear that tonight.

Rae Anne

Good , and I mean it- I really like your writing style. You are right- everything will fall into place.It sure will...Don't just strain yourself ..
Have a good weekend!:)

That was just writing from the hip. No research. It seems strained to me if I do research to make a post. Any tips?

Well you have to at some point. When you only touch a topic at the first time, you can go on the stuff you already know and experienced, and already then it's a good idea to give references to some sources to give your article more credibility. And at some point we exhaust our well of knowledge and we need to do research. I like writing well researched articles because at that time i myself learn something new.:)

Content is king and with more quality an emperor!

Right On!!!! I like the emperor thought. Thanks. Imagery is great!!
Rae Anne

Great post.
I could have been doing very well by now had I not deviated.
As it is I am highly motivated to do exactly as described in this post.

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