To the victims of Las Vegas.
Hello everyone,
My blog today will be a bit different. I just wanted to take a few minutes and acknowledge the horrific tragedy that took place in Las Vegas.
My heart goes out to the families and everyone affected by this senseless act.
Right now is not a time to get political but it is a time to show our love for the human race.
Let's all take a moment and hug our kids, our families and our friends. Show kindness to a stranger, hold the door, Pay it Forward.
No matter what, let's make an effort to be extra kind. Thank You. Pierre
Recent Comments
you alerted me to it, I don't watch the news, so I went on google to find out more and clicked maybe the second site that came up
- can you believe some sick sites show pics of the victims dead on the ground, crikey, how low will they go to attract traffic for their ads!
so I hopped out of that site and from the headlines it's another mass shooting - they say all of those [outside terrorists] have been side effects to meds, ssri's and stuff like that...
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A nice message to spread following this tragic incident. Thanks for kindly sharing this thought Pierre.
Thanks Jerome
Very much appreciated.
Talk soon