Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy: the magician of chemistry@
These two lines were written by the poet himself as a birthday present for the chemistry teacher in 1932 and engraved on a copperplate.
According to the poet, this favorite teacher of everyone took over the whole world on behalf of Bengal with the help of chemistry.
In a real sense, the practice of practical science started in this country with the help of this secret teacher.
But the rules! Many young people today know his name. Yes, I am talking about the famous chemist, science teacher, philosopher, and poet Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy.
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy, better known worldwide as PC Roy, is one of the few great personalities who have played a historic role in establishing the identity of Bangla or Bengali nation in the world against the British Empire.
This man, endowed with many virtues, was above all a nationalist dreamer. Due to his contribution, the Bengali nation started advancing in industrialization by holding the hand of "Bengal Chemicals" which he had established.
He introduced himself and the Bengali nation to the world through the discovery of a completely new chemical compound "Mercurius nitrate". So today when our country is on the path of progress in science, this man must be remembered with humble respect!
PC Roy was born on 2 August 1861 in a landowning family in the village of Raduli in present-day Khulna and then Jessore district. His father's name was Harish Chandra Roy and his mother's name was Bhuvan Mohini Devi.
He was the third of seven siblings. His father was a small zamindar. From an early age, he was known for his brilliant, liberal outlook. After completing his primary education in a village school, Prafulla Chandra was admitted to the Hair School in Calcutta in 1872.
In 1874, while studying in 4th class, he contracted severe blood and diarrhea and stopped studying for 2 years. But in this leisure time, he did not waste time rather he made the most of it.
During this time he studied various subjects in the library of his father Harish Chandra Roy and got acquainted with the vast knowledge of the world.
In 1876 Keshab Chandra Sen was admitted to Albert School and in 1878 he passed the entrance examination. But even then the teachers were disappointed because he did not get the scholarship.
But he did not give up. He thought, "Exam numbers are not the last word in human life. Many who have done well in exams have gone unnoticed in later life."
"Learning with a clear goal and perseverance is much more effective for success in life. ”
He then enrolled at the Metropolitan Institution (now Vidyasagar College) and from there passed the FA (First Arts) examination in 1880. In 1882 he became the first Bengali to move to London on a Gilchrist Scholarship and was admitted to the University of Edinburgh. From there he obtained B.Sc in 1885 and Doctor of Science or D.Sc degree in Chemistry in 1887.
His research paper for this doctorate was considered the best and he was awarded the 'Hope Prize'. After receiving his doctorate, he spent another year researching "On Analysis of Double Sulfates and Their Crystal Behavior."
On his return to the country he joined the Bengal Education Service and in 1889 he joined Calcutta Presidency College as a temporary assistant professor of chemistry.
At that time another star of Bengal Jagadish Chandra Bose was also a teacher of that college. Later, Prafulla Chandra Roy also joined Calcutta University as a teacher.
He continued teaching at Presidency College till 1917 and at Calcutta University till 1936. But his teaching career never really ended. He served as Professor Emeritus at Calcutta University since 1938.
As a teacher he had some philosophy of his own. He taught chemistry as if he were narrating a great anecdote of literature. He used to say that a teacher "would seek victory everywhere but would be happy to admit defeat to his son and disciple." In his autobiography, he says of his teaching career:
Just as a potter can shape a clay doll to his liking, so too can a newcomer to college be raised. I would never teach following a selected textbook. " He always gave priority to the knowledge outside the textbook."
Many students of teacher PC Roy were later established as scientists in various universities and industrial institutes. That is why PC Roy was called "Scientist of scientists."
Among his students were Dr. Meghnath Saha, Hemendra Kumar Sen, Biman Bihari Dey, Dr. Kudrat-i-Khuda, Priyoda Bhanjan Roy, Gyanendra Nath Roy, Gyan Chandra Ghosh. Gyanendranath Mukherjee, Rajendra Lal Dey, Prafulla Kumar Basu, Biresh Chandra Guha, Asima Chatterjee and others.
Sher-e-Bangla AK at Presidency College Fazlul Haque was also his student.
In addition to teaching, he was also very focused on research. During his lifetime he discovered 12 compound salts and 5 thioesters, but his greatest achievement was the discovery of mercurus nitrate.
In 1896, he created this compound by the reaction of mercury and nitric acid, which is considered to be an innovative addition to chemistry. The number of his research papers was 145. He was later elected an Honorary Fellow by the Dutch Academy and the Chemistry Society of London.
Then in 1902 his famous book "History of Indian Chemistry" was published. There P.C. Roy points out the history of chemistry in India dating back to the 1200s and earlier, proving that when the people of Europe and America were ashamed of wearing bark or bark, the people of India were aware of the use of mercury and the method of satan.
It was from this work that he expressed his desire to re-establish science in this land. He believed that socio-economic development was not possible without the use of science and technology.
He used to say, "The root cause of India's poverty is its dependence on agriculture, the creation of an agrarian population is the root of all its problems, the problem of its existence."
This poverty gave him great pain. He used to say to the students, "Promise to build the country, enrich the nation with your pursuit."
A successful entrepreneur and organizer arose in him from the thought of this country. In 1892, with a capital of only 800 rupees, he founded-
The Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, which played a significant role in the industrialization of Bengal. His role in the industrialization of the entire Indian subcontinent in the early twentieth century is undeniable.
The characteristics of his innate organizer and the philanthropic nature of the conference have gifted the Indian subcontinent with a number of charitable organizations that are still providing services at home and abroad.
For example, the names of Central Co-operative Bank, Bengal Chemical Cooperative Society, Bangabasi College Co-operative Store and Canteen, Bengal Co-operative Society etc.
Besides, he established a college called PC College in Bagerhat district in 1918. Which is playing a huge role in the spread of education in Bangladesh today.
Note that he did not want to establish a college in his own name, the name was given to his student Sher-e-Bangla. K. Fazlul Haque.
He was also actively involved in politics. During the Swadeshi movement, he set up an organization called "Bharat Sebashram" in Katipara of Paikgachha Upazila and inspired the people of his native area to join the Swadeshi movement by spinning yarn on a spinning wheel.
He used to spin a spinning wheel on the verandah of the science college. He was also a devoted worker of the Brahmo Samaj.
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy used to say, "I am a scientist in a group of scientists, a businessman in a business society, a village servant with village servants and an economist in the circle of economists."
In a real sense, he was. He was a revolutionary in the society in the form of a scientist. Wherever he went, he left his own touch.
This immortal scientist passed away on June 16, 1944.
He received many honors for his various achievements in his career. The British government first awarded him the title of CIE (Companion of the Indian Empire) and later the title of Knight.
Five foreign universities have awarded him honorary doctorates. And for his unforgettable contribution to teaching, we now write 'Acharya' in front of his name.
Rabindranath Tagore was fascinated by AcharyaPrafulla Chandra Roy and said, He has expressed his unspoken eyesight, judgment and understanding. ”
Coincidentally, the birth year of the poet and Prafulla Chandra is the same. Today we all remember the poet. But we all forget to express our vision, judgment and intellect. To do that we need to remember the greats like PC Roy.
Hope you Like this biography of great Scientist of India and a visonary man whose vision are far forword to build a great nation.
Thank you all have a great day, and may you discover something new today.
Recent Comments
I had not heard of him because I have never really studied science beyond public school. What an amazing man.... such an influence. This is an inspirational story of combining talent, teaching and effort to effect unbelievable change. Thank you so much for sharing.
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Impressive, great man!
Thank you Vasile👍