Let Go of Procrastination & get Positive for success.
Hi guys Its been a while since I wrote any posts here but I wanted to tell you that I have been quietly working on my sites and learning a lot so I've decided to get more active in the community here and become more helpful to you, so if you have any questions or need any help please ask. plus I dying to just make some friends here.
Well Phew, it's certainly been a Mad Year, to say the least, it's now Black Friday & Christmas is coming up and I'm sure there is a lot to do on your sites and businesses and your home and families for the up and coming festive season.
But it is equally important to you to actually also give yourself time to relax and reset and de-stress too because if you give yourself too much to do you will only burn yourself out in the end, so make sure you organise your time to have rest days too.
Although making a site here at WA is pretty easy because of the wonderful informative courses and the community here, sometimes we can get information overload and end up procrastinating or not getting much done
People view procrastination as a bad thing but the truth is if you are procrastinating it's because you just need timeout and review where you are going and try to then get organised or inspired again.
The best way that I have found when procrastination is looming is to spend a day or two and reset, but allow yourself to make it proactive and positive.
one of the reasons you may procrastinate is because you may feel unconfident about where you are going or yourself, there are many ways that you can work on this, but one of my favourite ways is to write in my diary and see my thoughts on paper. as well as try to think of the positive aspects of my life and self. it always cheers me up and gets me rolling into a more positive frame of mind and then it allows the creative juices to flow.
Positive thinking seems to be the catchphrase everywhere you look these days, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that adopting a more positive mindset can improve your life in pretty substantial ways.
From improving your health to helping you become more successful, your attitude controls behaviours and emotions that play a role in your overall success and wellness.
So, how do you learn to be more positive? What are some concrete actions you can take, starting today, that will help learn to be more positive over time? There are many ways to achieve more positivity, but here are our top five hands-on ways that you can learn to adopt a more positive mindset.
1. Become More Aware
If you want to learn to be more positive, you should first become focusing your powers of observation. Being aware of our own negative self-talk, your defeatist language, and ways you are perpetuating negativity in your life can help you see how you are contributing to the cycle of negativity.
Many times, people with a negative mindset are not even aware of how they speak to themselves or others or how their actions and choices are keeping them in a negative attitude.
Become a master of observation for yourself and your life in order to figure out where changes need to be made.
2. Start Journaling About Your Goals
Spending time every day writing about your best self, describing your dreams and goals, and envisioning your future can help you think more positively. The more you write about those images, the more real they start to seem, and the more likely you are to believe you can achieve them. When you write about yourself and how you want to improve your life, you are more likely to put plans into place to help you achieve
3. Be More Mindful and Less Judgmental
Mindfulness is an effective practice for learning to be more positive because it teaches you to simply recognize and acknowledge your thoughts and emotions rather than judging them in any way.
Stop thinking of your ideas as right or wrong and simply recognize that these are the thoughts you are having right now. This is how you feel at this moment.
Labelling your thoughts and emotions places yourself in the role of judge and jury for every notion that passes through your brain, which in itself is a negative way of thinking.
Becoming more observant and learning to evaluate less can help you accept that some thoughts and emotions just “are.”
4. Talk Yourself Up
Give yourself a pep talk every time you catch the negativity creeping in to help increase your positive attitude.
When you hear yourself speaking negatively to or about yourself, then embrace that as an opportunity to create an actional plan. When you criticize yourself, make that a chance to tell yourself something positive about yourself, to refocus that negative energy into a plan for improvement, or to focus on how grateful you are for other gifts and talents in your life.
The more time you spend with positive people, the more positive you will be.
You are easily influenced by negative people in your life. When you spend time with people who are stressed out, have toxic relationships, or are always complaining, it brings you down, too. And the opposite is also true.
5. Create a Positivity Posse
Surround yourself with others who have positive mindsets or who can help your positivity flourish. Their optimism will soon become contagious.
I hope this is helpful to those who are procrastinating on your sites a little
Much love Tina
Recent Comments
Tina, awesome advice and recommendations
So true
We need to let go of all the negative things that does not serve us
Thank you, Simone we certainly do... let them all go just by focusing on the good stuff, in life, there's always a positive viewpoint if you look for it:)
Very awesome share, Tina! We need to substitute one P word for a much better P word!
Cheers Jeff, Totally Yeah!! I should have just written that! ;) Great analogy, going to use that one Thanks :) I've clicked the follow button:)
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Nice! I love your post! Thank you for the reminders!
No Worries Pam glad you liked it:) Thank you for reading and commenting most appreciate:)