Did I make a mistake ?
How have I ended up here ? Have I made the right choice, Am I going to reap the rewards, What if I don't make it ?
Some months ago, having been hustling for some time, I was told by a friend "bro, I have found an easy way to make money online, I have already started and I am going to be rich soon". Did I need to ask a lot of detail about this, no! I was desperate to make money after all. Making money is everyone's goal nowadays, and the easier you make it, the better.
I looked at the platform, convinced myself that I had finally made the discovery of my lifetime, I was going to be banging at least a thousand a month from that very month onward. The online platform worked this way, one would perform some very simple tasks every day, clicking around the web page (just like that) and earn yourself $1 000 at the end of the month.
I will not go into much detail about this, as it turned out, it was a SCAM. It was a too easy way to make money and it was just improbable. But make no mistake, this I only realized after falling for it for almost two months. I got agitated, I got frustrated. How could a university student be fooled by such an obvious trickery. Damn it, I had wasted my time on this.
However, I made a smart move, I eventually Googled the site's review, it was damn scam for sure. But on the review, someone had written, "this is a SCAM, you should stay away from it but there is something called Wealthy Affiliate". There is something called what again ?, I asked myself.
But then by chance I checked and signed up for WA anyway, reluctantly so and I think I even took 2 weeks to come back to the site. Things were a bit different this time, I had to write about myself, set some goals and how much time I was willing to invest in it.
And here I am, 3 months have gone now since I started. So did I make a mistake or did I not make one ? I will answer this as I go. But these are typical questions that every entrepreneur asks themselves especially when starting their business, when you are pumping money in but no returns yet, you get nervous sometimes, you doubt yourself and get scared. But guess what, this is exactly what it feels like to be an entrepreneur.
To me, all those feelings and doubts are the ones that drive me because, when you conquer them, you are surely more mature than before. I believe life is about facing fears and continual growth. TAKING bold steps one after another and only then is life meaningful.
So, did I make a mistake, HELL NO. I have found meaning in what I do, I get to see my efforts coming to life. I get the excitement to keep going every day. As Grant Cardone says, Success is your duty, it is mine duty to keep the momentum going and build the life that I always dreamt of. IT'S ALL WORTH IT
Lots of love to the WA community.
Recent Comments
I think that you duplicate the sentiments of almost everyone who has found this community.
Palm - Congratulations - you have come a very long way
and with work which is what it takes to build a business
then you have found a home with so many like-minded
people to help you so you will not fail - keep rocking dude :)
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Most of us make that kind of mistake - I did. Fortunately, I didn't have any money to spend on a scam, so that kind of saved me! Nice post.