When Things Don't Go The Way You Planned
It's been a while that I've posted a blog and I do have to say that I wasn't really involved in the WA-community for almost half a year now. Sorry for that!
And I have to be honest, right before my subscription got renewed I was wondering if it was all worth it. I'm now two years into the game and only had one affiliate commission so far! This while you see all of the other success stories.
But when I looked at my income and expenses, I saw that I was actually making a PROFIT!
Now you might wonder, how is it possible to make a profit on just one commission? Well, unless it's something veeeery expensive, you can't.
The thing is that you have to be open to all possibilities that arise from your website.
When COVID hit Europe and the USA my site's process from a whole year got washed

So I turned it around. I thought about my next steps and decided to incorporate to do what I didn't have the guts for in the beginning. The thing I really wanted to do in the first place: Expand myself as a yoga teacher.
When I still lived in Belgium I used to give 5 classes a week above my day job. So why not continue?
I stopped for a couple of years, so I did lose all the students that I had. But no worries, I had to make a bit of promotion, and I already had a bit of traffic.
This resulted in my profit from last year. Last year I earned (only in the last 4 months) I earned 700 EUROS with teaching private yoga classes. As I don't have any expenses other than my WA subscription. Giving me a profit of around 480 EUROS.
I've got two steady students that pay a monthly fee.
So to all of you down here that sometimes struggle. Sometimes you've got to take a step back to take a look at the bigger picture. It might be that you are making money on your website without even knowing it.
Even though it's not passive income, it is an income ;).
Take care!
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Hi Jeff!
Great to hear from you, and good to see that you're still reading my blogs after all this time ;).
How have you been doing?
I always love hearing what people are doing here, and when I saw your post, I was feeling like "Hey , I wonder how she is doing"
I am glad that you are doing better, and the future looks bright!
I have been doing pretty good--I certainly cannot complain!
Enjoy your day, Virendra!
It is nice to hear that you are going to be participating at WA once again. What a great surprise to find an unexpected commission. Keep going.
Thanks :), the thing also was that with being away from WA I was also taking more distance from my website. But, a new year, new energy to continue what I was doing!
We are glad you made an income even though it came from an unexpected source. It sure would be nice if you could use the knowledge you have of yoga and make more income through your website.
We wish you much success.
Hi there,
It actually isn't such an unexpected source. Because of the COVID crisis, I felt that having a travel website wasn't going to pull its weight for a while. Which made me think of alternatives, which got me into opening my online yoga studio. This brought me a couple of clients instantly as I already had an established website with people following me! Great how these things work :)
Hi Geoffrey,
Well, this was also my reaction in the beginning when my subscription was about to be renewed.
However, when I made the reflection on my website, I saw that I was earning something, so I'm not losing money.
But yes, if I wouldn't have made anything at all, and I wouldn't have gotten these clients through SEO, I probably wouldn't have stayed either.
That's probably also good to reflect upon yourself, how much time, money and energy do you put into something. Do you give yourself a deadline to throw in the towel? A good question to have when you first embark on your online adventure.
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Great post so far!
Keep up the amazing work that you're doing!