Starting to come natural


ok so I'm into month 2 at WA and I've noticed an improvement, when I first started my journey here I always used to think what the hell am I going to write about, my website is exactly what it says in the tin, but I would sit there for ages sometimes constantly asking myself what should I write. Now it comes naturally I just write a few bullet points throughout the day and when I get home open my laptop and away I go. This would never of happened before I started here, how have I got to this stage?

Well what I've done is when leaving people comments on their websites I've used my visits to their website as a lesson, I've read many articles on each site, looked at different styles of writing and analysed how would I write this if this was me. This has helped me, it's even got me to a point where I have asked to be guest blogs on similar websites in my niche helping with back links to my site. (I won't be going mad with guest blogs as I've read that uncle Google isnt a fan of back links)

It's not always like this though, over the weekend I had a brain block but I still used my time wisely rather then sitting there staring at a blinking cursor I used my time efficiently in different areas such as improving social media presence and such like.

So this is a message to anyone who thinks they won't be able to build a website because they cannot write content, I was the worlds worst at writing content, but I have improved 1000% so give it a try and investigate what others are doing. If I can do it anyone can

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Yep I am there a lot; content is one of the hardest things to do so thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing!

No problem :)

That's awesome Phil, congratulations:)

Thank you.

You're welcome:)

I thought that when I started a month ago & now I have to find time to write because there is so much to say!
much success to you!

I get stuck on what to write a lot. Mainly because it is very easy for me to get sidetracked and not stay focused on the topic I'm talking about. I will also have these great ideas for topics, sit down to write, and quickly run out of material for that topic. I will take this into consideration. We started around the same time here, glad to see your success and that you are getting more comfortable with your work.

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