My first Facebook Ads Experiment (Day 1)

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I created a new post yesterday that had zero engagement using my usual social media channels (it turns out there was a reason... more on that in a moment).

I was really proud of this post - it was a comparison of seven products (well, online courses in this case) that the visitor could take for free by using my affiliate link. I really wanted people to see it so when users weren't even clicking on my social media links to view it, it's natural that I was disappointed.

I thought that this could be an ideal moment to try something I've been curious about for a while - the magic of Facebook Ads.

Setting up the advert (aka boosting the post)

I'd already posted the link to my Facebook page so it was pretty easy to click 'Boost Post', enter my PayPal details and give the ad a budget of £3 (~$4) to run over three days.

I selected the UK and USA as target locations (largely because of the target product) and the appropriate interests of my target demographic.

Results after day one

It's now almost 18 hours since the ad started running. During that time I've had the following results:

  • 111 people saw my advert (I'm a cheap skate - at this stage, Facebook has only used £0.80 of my budget)
  • 3 people engaged with the advert (this means thinks like liking the ad, clicking a link etc)
  • 3 people clicked the link to my blog post (yay)

So it's cost me £0.80 to get 3 people to click my advert.

It will be interesting to see how this experiment continues to play out over the remaining two days.

Social engagement sometimes takes time

As I suggested above, it turns out that I was wrong about the engagement of my social posts.

Although nobody interacted with it yesterday, today was a different matter (after I'd already launched my Facebook experiment). Here's the current stats of the post on Twitter:

On Twitter, just today, my post turned up in 275 people's feeds, 5 people liked it, 4 people clicked on my Twitter profile and more importantly, 3 people clicked on the link.

I'm guessing that Sunday evening (UK time) is the worst of times to anything on Twitter but just because a social post bombs when you initially post it, it doesn't mean it won't be picked up later (in this case on Monday).

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I tried fb ads to get as many likes as poss to give my fb entrepreneur page. I achieved 800 like which gave my page some credibility however the targeted demographics was rubbish countries. I then targeted better countries like usa, uk etc and got loads of impressions but vey few clicks and no sales. Does it work? I really dont know, but the more i learn thru wa the better and more optimistic i become. We all need to try different things and some will work and some wont. Either way writing good unique content is a must but also take time and effort to achieve.

That's an interesting take on the FB advertising idea - targeting 'rubbish' countries to get the initial likes. I hadn't thought of that... although I'm not sure which countries you're referring to! :D

Thanks for sharing everything as I'm also planning to create a FB ad. during the next 10 day and see how it turns out in the end. I'll also share the results, thanks again.

its a good experiment for sure! thanks for sharing! I hope you get more action now that its the weekday!!

I'm hoping so - to be honest, social media (other than Twitter) is still a bit of a dark art to me. It's been an educational experience so far, regardless of the outcome.

I just know memes are where its at!!, Thats how a lot of pages and groups get their traffic!!

Maybe you should create some training? I'm sure quite a few here (besides myself) would be interested in your method.

Computer gaming is probably a much easier niche to produce memes for than, say, garden furniture. Although, now I think about it, the 50 Sheds of Grey thing lasted a while.

LOL yes!! People want to laugh at a post rather than be informed sometimes.. and you can have both on your page for sure.. no one has to have a boring niche, you make it what it is to be.. kind of like that saying "if you think it, you can do it". I might come with a training maybe one day once i get more time and posts under my belt, I feel like fresh fish in these large social media oceans. :D

I'll have to think of some memes that might work in my niche - at the very least, they'll look good on social media. :D

I think that you can training once you've been a premium member for three months. After that, if you know something that could help other members, go for it.

That actually isn't all that bad, if you are getting uniques at a rate of $0.27 or so per click, that could turn out to be profitable based on what the VPS (value per sale) is of the item that you are promoting.

Sadly, not all that much. It's a $10 commission per signup... and I've not seen any conversions from my 3 clicks. :)

It's encouraging though - it was really easy to set up and I did NOT expect to have anyone click the advert today.

I'm also planning in getting some traffic through Fb ads. or even google ads., but fairly saying Kyle how effective is this based on your experience? Does it really work? Ranking our website is awesome for organic traffic, but would you advice us to also use some paid traffic sources? I simply need to create as much traffic as possible in order to reach my goal of 300 referral for 2018.

There was some excellent live training created by WA master trainer, Jay that will probably answer your questions, Pedro.

It's actually a series but week #3 is more specific about Facebook ads.:

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