$500 While Sleeping

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One Book's Amazon Royalties

No big deal, but my little book of Grandad jokes (Dad jokes that have gotten too old) brought in just over $500 in royalties last month.

All paperbacks.

The thing is, I do nothing to promote it, so it costs me nothing in time or money.

And it all comes in overnight, while I sleep.

Suddenly, Another

But I was surprised, when I checked my KDP account this morning, to find 10 sales (just from yesterday) of another book that has sat there for a while with few or no sales. Again, no promotion.

It's a Keto Diet book, so I suspect I have New Year resolutions to thank.

These were all Kindle sales.

The thing about Amazon is that, when you start making sales, Amazon rewards you with more exposure.


I'm in the process of creating training on publishing a book on Amazon (including using a ghost writer if you want to tap into this niche without actually writing the book yourself).

This will be a paid training course promoted on one of my websites devoted to this, but I'm thinking of using a scaled-down version to create a free tutorial on WA.

Would you be interested?

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Hello Phil,

I hope you're doing well, thank you for the great blog post, it's appreciated.

I have just read your profile again which is pretty impressive, it's always good to hear a success story and it's great that you have kept yourself so fit The power of the Internet never fails to amaze me it's amazing what can be achieved when we take action.

Writing a book is something that I have always wanted to do, but so far it hasn't happened. I believe that a book can be quite powerful to promote our own product or an affiliate product.

I really like the idea of using a platform like Amazon to write a book and your idea of writing a course sounds fantastic. It's definitely something I would be interested in.

Have a great day.


Thanks so much, Roy. You're an inspiration too.

I'm about half way through the training course.

Thank you, Phil, there are some great people on this platform.

I am your training course is coming together, feel free to message me when it's complete, I would like to see it.

Have a great day.


Sure Roy. I'll let you know when.

Thank you Phil, much appreciated.


My Keto diet book has started to gain traction. 15 sales just yesterday giving $543.78 in royalties over the past 30 days. I'm splitting the training into 2 parts and have now published Part 1.

Good morning Phil,

That's great that your book is gaining traction quickly. The amount in royalties sounds quite impressive in such a small period of time!

Thank you, Phil, I will take a look at your training and bookmark the page. Just one little problem, I now need to write it!

Have a great day,


In Part 2 of the training, I cover using a ghostwriter (which I haven't done yet, but planning on doing so soon, in a highly profitable niche that I have no interest in writing for myself).

That sounds good Phil, I can't give anything worst in trying to write about something we have no interest in! However, a ghostwriter for a profitable niche sounds great!

I look forward to finding out more.

Have a great day.


I'm looking forward to exploring it, Roy. Putting the outline for a fantasy romance together in my head now (inspired by the cover I created in Part 1!)

Hello Phil,

My apologies, I missed your reply, somehow!

That's good, it's great to have ideas for the future and keep moving forward.

All the best,


If only we had more time 😒

I hear you, big time, Phil!


That's exciting news, Phil. Congrats! I would definitely be interested in a tutorial on this if you're considering putting one on WA. Count me in.


Thanks, Susan. There's a fair amount of interest so I will definitely do it.

My Keto diet book has started to gain traction. 15 sales just yesterday giving $543.78 in royalties over the past 30 days. I'm splitting the training into 2 parts and have now published Part 1.

That's exciting for you, Phil. Great work! I look forward to reading your trainings. Thanks again!

My pleasure, Susan.

Great to hear of your passive income success Phil. The training sounds a great idea both here and as an income generator.
Wishing you continued success.


Thank you, Tracy. Several people have expressed interest, so I'll try to put it together today.

My Keto diet book has started to gain traction. 15 sales just yesterday giving $543.78 in royalties over the past 30 days. I'm splitting the training into 2 parts and have now published Part 1.

Fabulous news about your sales Phil. I will take a look at the training today or tomorrow. Thanks for that.


Thanks, Tracy. I hope you enjoy the training. I think it's pretty comprehensive.

Yes, I would be interested in the training.
Your $500 manna was a classical definition of passive income. You earned it while you were having a shut-eye!

Yes, it's a great way to start the day.

My Keto diet book has started to gain traction. 15 sales just yesterday giving $543.78 in royalties over the past 30 days. I'm splitting the training into 2 parts and have now published Part 1.

Sure, Phil! That would be cool! I have a 15 book Historical Sci-Fi series on Kindle and as paperback, along with 6 other E-books!

I had to figure all that out by myself! I think many people would love that training as a resource!


Wow, a 15 book series. I'm so impressed, Jeff. Does it sell well? Do you have different pricing for each book as a lead-in funnel.

There seems to be quite a few people interested in the training so I'm going to get right onto it.

It has sold a little! I was in a collaboration with another WA member, and I have the site he worked on before he was forced to abandon the efort, but I have not had the time to understand where it is all going!

I'm optimistic that I will get it worked and and hopefully live by the end of this year, Phil! At least I hope so!

I've been busy also working on the sequel series to it, but that has been off to a very slow start!

Very well done on oyur book sales, my friend!


Thanks, Jeff. I wish you all the best with your Amazon sales too.

You're welcome, Phil, and your kind wishes are much appreciated!


My Keto diet book has started to gain traction. 15 sales just yesterday giving $543.78 in royalties over the past 30 days. I'm splitting the training into 2 parts and have now published Part 1.

That's aweosme, Phil! I have that book marked to read thoroughly sometime today, my friend!

Your success is very inspirational and motivational!


Thanks so much Jeff. You are inspirational on this platform. Let me know what you think of the training.

I certainly will, Phil! Thanks for the kind sentiments! I took a look at your books, and I must say, very well done, my friend!

I'll let you know when I.can look at the training without distraction!


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