Give it Away or Make em' Pay

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I can't decide if what I have on my hands is a problem or a good thing? I have a niche website dedicated to fasting, dieting and losing a little weight. I have insights on personal experience and some techniques.

I am still in what I consider my infancy stages as an affiliate. I love to create content, and I have been doing so. As far as monetizing - I have done 2 product reviews along with some ads in widgets here and there, really focusing on content creation and trying to create a brand.

So, my issue is I am getting people to ask me to make them up a fasting schedule and a possible routine and outline. I have agreed to do this for one person. I see what I did both ways.

1. I will have to give something away to get traction (I always planned on doing this once I had a brand established and I could focus on monetizing my own product i.e. diet routine and fasting schedule catered to a specific person's uniqueness)

2. I have always been told don't give anything away for free if you can monetize it.

What could be?

I am staying true to my training, however I have extended my "side hustle" working scope to setting up a couple fasting and diet routines for the few that have reached out to me. This actually gives me a little content creation that is a bit enticing and new compared to some of the topics I have been tackling.

So, I am focusing on my WA progress numero uno but I am having a little fun with doing what I am super passionate about, it kind of gives me a little taste of "what could be" if I stick with this and continue to create good content.


I think through having a bit of a following, by a bit I mean the 2 or 3 people that have reached out to me, I don't even need to mention being humble at this point, lol - anyway they hold me a little accountable. Accountable to continue pumping out content, showing the professionalism a blog should look like.

My Question to the Community is...

I am just curious, hypothetically.

If this were something to monetize quickly, would you? Would you give away a certain number of programs away for free? Maybe a trial run or something? I am curious to see what some veterans might do in this situation if it were in fact something that were to take off.

I appreciate the read from everyone, if anyone needs anything please drop me a not.

Life is good,


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I have to agree with Joe. Start with a membership and then have various stages they go through for their level or desire they are at.

Hi Nic,
I can see there is potential business in what you are doing now. If people start asking you to give them some scheduled routines they can follow, that means there is trust building up.

Since you have experience in what you want to accomplish in your site, I would suggest to create a membership site. And within that you can create membership level - Starter / Silver/Gold etc with some advancement as they go up the level.

At the starter account, you may offer them some basic tips/guides. If the product/service you offer here is proven beneficial to them, definitely they want to upgrade their account to get better value.

Then you can expand from there.

Just my 2cent,

All the best.


This is great advice, and thank you for the insight. This is exactly what I think would be good down the road...however I don't know anything about setting up any type of membership.

Furthermore I don't understand setting up an "email sign up" for like newsletters, I would like to do that a plug in? Is there training for that?

Sorry for the lengthy amount of questions, I am just new, trying to figure out this realm!

Thanks again for the great advice.


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