Another Philosophical Question


Did anyone ever hear of the story called "The Mirror of Truth"?

I first heard this story when I was about 6 or 7 years old, and I cannot find anyone else that knows this story, even though I've asked many, many people. Maybe someone at WA can confirm that they actually know this story, or something similar.

Well, as I learned it, many, many centuries ago, The Mirror of Truth was a mirror held up over the whole earth, by angels. This Mirror reflected the truth of heaven back to earth, so everyone could see what truth looked like. However, some kind of catastrophe happened, and the angels dropped the mirror, unfortunately, and it shattered into many pieces all over the world.

The upshot of this was that when each nation found the sliver of glass that fell in their part of the world, they could see a part of heaven's truth, but they deceived themselves into believing they were seeing the whole truth of heaven. So, thus began the neverending struggle by each region to claim their sliver's glimpse as the whole truth, and nothing but!

Does this sound even a little familiar to anyone here, or did I dream this story?


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Not to me.

Don pointed this correctly. It's a mimicking of the scattering of languages after the fall of the Great Tower of Babel!

No, never heard that story, but very interesting. If only people would be a bit more tolerant of other people's believes. Believing things is a personal issue. You can not force people to believe the same things as you do.

Hi Pat, I never heard of this before. Irv.

I'm sorry I have never heard this story and it's interesting message :)

This is a new one on me. But interesting. And seems to be another version of the Tower of Babel story. This could be really old.

Thanks, am really hoping someone else has heard of this.

Never heard of it but the message is interesting. Certainly can explain a lot of the world divisions. Debbie

Thanks Debbie. Yes, I always felt it explained world divisions. I hope someone else has heard of this story. Pat

I have not heard this story but I like it

Thanks Pablo.

It is a great story, but it is a new one for me.

It will be interesting to learn more about this as others respond.


Thanks Susan, yes I too look forward to more responses.

Hmmm... I'm not familiar with this story. But then again, I was born and raised in the Philippines... we have the glimpse of the truth, nothing but...


Thanks for your response dony, I was born and raised in Jamaica and that's where I heard it.

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