I Refuse to Live a Life With Regrets and So Can You!


There is no such thing as failure. There is only fear. How fortunate we are to live in an era where we have tools that can empower us to create freedom and income without taking the risks that were traditionally required. Yet so many talk themselves out of stepping outside of the box or learning something new.

It's human nature to fear what we don't fully understand, but I refuse to be a part of any kind of thinking that tells me that I can't create my dreams. I know that we live in a world that offers us the kind of change that was never possible before. I know, because I spent many years working with business owners who struggled and failed, worked long hours, and lost millions. None of that is necessary now and those who never thought they could own a business CAN live that dream without all of the complications and pitfalls. ALL of us have access to that dream, if we choose!

I REFUSE TO LIVE A LIFE OF REGRETS! Change takes effort and determination, but I am here to tell you that it's so worth it. Doors have opened for me that I never imagined and they can for you.

What is holding you back from living that ideal life? It takes a decision, a plan, and ACTION! You don't have to quit your job, but you will have to be willing to learn and implement your plan. That is the main purpose of your journey at Wealthy Affiliate Community.


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Recent Comments


I understand the uselessness of regretting what we cannot change, but there are some areas that take me longer to move forward. Thanks for sharing your conviction, Patrick.

Thank you for stopping by..


It's good to be reminded of this Patrick, and the question is a good one to ask myself daily.. What is holding me back from my dreams?

Thank you!

You very welcome !


one step at a time

Thank you for stopping by..


I've heard it said, no pain no gain :)

Thank you for the interest!


good post sometimes we learn from our mistakes

You absolutely right !
Thanks !


When you seem to cannot follow what should be done and your time goes on with your limited budget maybe things have reached their end.

But you can have another time and move forward to what you have started.

Thank you for the interest !


Patrick, I normally like your articles, but with this one, you hit the nail on the head! Thank you for inspiring me.

You welcome and thank you for the interest !


Getting to the point of taking action is sometimes the difficult step!

Thank you for stopping by !


Hi Patrick, I am very determined to succeed. Irv.

And I wish you all the best in your motivation !


Wise and true words. I shan't be giving up. I eventually get what I want.

Thank you for stopping by !


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