Images - Royalty Free
Well, it's a holiday where I live so this will be very brief.
As you all know, building websites and writing blogs is not without it's fair share of work. Words seem to just flow out of my mouth, but finding images is a real chore. I reviewed a website today for a member and followed a blog link regarding being sued for using a photo that was copyrighted...ouch, and that was after she willingly took the picture down didn't matter, the crime had been committed. Lawyers were involved and she ended up having to pay monies she did not have.
Now if you are like me, we do this to either make an income or supplement our income/retirement, right? Well, I suspect none of us have insurance for being sued. So, what to do?
Check out another member's site, it's called: Riaz has, in my opinion, done us a great service. I suggest you make two folders in your image resources bookmark, one titled Attribution and one No this way, as you begin reviewing the sites he recommends, you can bookmark them as you go along. Then when it is time to find an image, if you don't want to be bothered with making attributions, and especially with paying royalties, you can just head to the folder marked "No Attribution" first.
So, now I have to go back to my 40 plus pages and posts and review where I got all of those images and replace the ones I "just found on the internet". As the "Sued Blogger" so wisely stated, "if you don't know for certain it is public domain, royalty-free"...find another image.
I hope this helps, I just had to share this information since this has been a real PITA for me as I have been working on my website.
Recent Comments
Very good and please do be careful. As a semi-pro photographer since 1982, I do most of my own photography for my sites and other needs but nobody (including me) has pictures of everything :). Great resources, thanks again....
Hi PapaDave,
I bookmarked the site. Thanks for posting it.
Jack (littleguy)