Sales and Progress!
I haven't posted in awhile so I wanted to give you all an update on my progress. I started my niche site in June 2019. And like everyone else, kept posting all this time.
Right before Thanksgiving, I had my first sale. I was affiliated with Amazon at the time. Then, Amazon cut me loose on Thanksgiving morning. Oh well. I moved on. I found some other awesome affiliate programs and set up my links... again.
In the meantime, I've been updating posts all along and even changed my color scheme last week. It is really scary to mess with something as big as the site's identity now that it's gaining a bit of traction. But I like it better, so hoped my visitors would too.
I had a few sales in January but now it's picking up. :)) I have had 2 sales on the same day already this month! (February 2020). Wow. That makes me feel pretty good and like I'm going down the right path. It's progress!
Also, I got inspired by something from my niche site a few weeks ago. In researching for an article, I found a video that states you live longer and your brain stays healthier if you pursue your passion or purpose in life. Ding!!

And my new MMO site was born. It's still a baby but I'm liking the direction it's going in. It remains to be seen if this angle will work but I'm giving it a shot.
I'm still learning a lot and know I have a lot of room to grow but I feel like it's working. I don't want to jinx myself either. lol. I'm a little superstitious about speaking too soon. But my niche site is turning into a brand and I'm quite happy with my progress here in WA. Currently continuting on through Boot Camp training
Thanks to All of you who give encouragement and honest feedback. I so appreciate it!
To Our Success!!
Recent Comments
I think it's great you have switched gears to follow your passions! I just know your new site will be a great success!
I remember when Amazon started giving you trouble, on Black Friday morning no less. Most people would have been in a panic but you just turned the other cheek, didn't let it trip you up and went on to greener pastures.
I'm so glad to hear all your hard work is starting to pay off :)
Cheers, Shannon
Great stuff. Any reason why Amazon cut you loose? Amazon cut me loose on my site after the first month because of a link to the Fairtrade commission on the Privacy Policy template WA had up at the time. I deleted the link, then reapplied under a new email and was accepted. Been making approx 20-50 per month since...that was exactly a year ago (def need to get more articles up). Just wondering if you know why they cut you loose? Thanks
It was the Amazon Associates disclosure. They want it on the same page as the link. I only had it on the Affiliate Disclosure page. Thanks for commenting. And congrats to you on your sales!
Wow, guess they are very serious about that disclosure on the same page. I did that only last night to all of my articles. I hope what I did is good enough. Basically, just a sentence telling buyers I will get a commission if they click on the links on my page.
That is terrific Palatia. Your site is going to be highly successful & I wish you every success.
One concern I have with Amazon are the number of sales you need with them? Is it just 3 to become established or do you need 3 a month? Or a certain number each year etc with each Amazon site? Im currently only with
Any thoughts/experience from your perspective & other experienced members would be welcome?
Best Regards,
Hi - you need to make 3 sales within 180 days of joining their program. If you meet that target, they then inspect your site to ensure you are meeting all their rules - that you have an Affiliate Disclosure, that you are not mentioning the price of a product or using their reviews or star ratings etc. Once you have been approved with all that, then you can just carry on.
Thanks Diane. I have seen a couple of Affiliate Disclosures on pages recently. I wasnt aware before. I better add that page soon. Is there one on WA.
Yes, they kicked me for affiliate disclosure, which I had on my affiliate disclosure page, in the top menu! It's okay. They eventually paid me the commissions I earned in November. lol. Their commissions are low and the cookie is only 24 hours. Not a big loss in my mind. :P
Thanks for commenting and the encouragement!
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Hi Paula,
So happy to hear about your recent sales. I have resumed my Bootcamp training after following the SAC program by Kyle. I feel more confident with Bootcamp than with the SAC and making better progress.
Currently I am working on reviews and developing incentives.
Very exciting indeed.
All the best.
Nice, Edwin! For me, I needed the right angle that resonated with me for the MMO niche. I think I found it. I'm so happy for you that you're making progress.