Need Help Please


I just edited a new blog post and I am still having problems getting ones directed to my site. Could my WA friends please check my site out and leave some comments or just share on your network of choice. Thank you in advance.


Hello everyone; sorry I forgot the link.

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Hi, some great info about coconut oil. Going to try the CO + baking soda. In the meantime, what I noticed on the site is that the sentence lines brake funny. I t could be my browser (Chrome). Also and I have to pose this as a questions, is there a way to wrap text around the images? I notice this on other sites too, haven't put any images on my pages so haven't had to deal with that.

Your image links just open to another page with the picture. Do you have an affiliate source for the CO that you can promote in order to monetize this page?

Be careful with the images you use. There might be some copyright issues.

I would also include a disclaimer on your page to the affect that you are not offering medical advice or a medical diagnosis. Check around some of the sources you used. I'm sure they have the disclaimer and you can model one after there's. - Ginger

Thanks Ginger;
I will have to look into a disclaimer, that is a great idea. I can wrap text it just doesn't seem to work real well with my word press. a lot of my photos I either take myself or get them from Google. I also have a photo shop and photo print so this does help as well. If you click on the link( learn more) this takes you to a coconut oil I am monetizing. haven't got this quite right yet. Still working on it. But needed to get it published as soon as I could. Hey thanks for looking out for me.

Sherrie, You seem to have sorted your problem so I will go away ,

Good Luck .

Ray Bowley ( Merryman88 )

Hi, You could have both words in the sentence....." I would love to hear your views here" !!!
No wonder English is such a difficult language to learn.
Cheers, Mike

At the very end of your article there's a sentence which states
"I would love to here your views."

You might want to change that "here" to "hear."
Please don't take this as a criticism. I've made similar mistakes many times. However, I taught English for many years, and old habits are hard to break! No red pen in my hand now, though!


Hey thanks Pat.
I did fix this right away. Very important information,
Thank you for sharing this with me. Never want wrong spelling if possible.

Fixed it

Great job! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you arick for visiting my site much appreciation.

What theme is this, Sherrie? What QSR are the keywords you are using for this post? Which post are you having problems getting traffic?

The Perils of drugstore foundation.

I will take a closer look, but need to get into a meeting. In Jaaxy, the Perils of Drugstore Foundation would produce less than 10 monthly visits. You may want to revisit the keyword for this post.

Thinking I need to change the title. Need to do some more research. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Oh Sorry Pat.

Link please ;)

Can you leave us a link ;-)

Could you slip us a link, please? I'd be glad to help you out!

:-) Hey Pat you beat me too it lol, hope your doing well :-)

Getting better day by day, Digger. Thanks for caring! I'm hoping to be back up to full speed soon.

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