Surprising Cultural History, Nantou Ancient City & Museum, Shenzhen, China

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South Gate of the Nantou Ancient City

Ranking and Civil Services Duties

Represent Levels of Authority and Duties

Defined by these Emblems on the Wearer's Clothing [yifu]

Sunday 13th October Visit:

Nantou Ancient City & Museum

I was invited to see some revealing history of Shenzhen, China,

Nantou Ancient City & Museum, one I had no idea of previously, all within the confines of the city and 30 mins metro ride, from the moment of arriving at the front gate I had a feeling of the Unexpected.

    A historic village and battlement, leading to a huge park where you find the founder and staunch Leader of the ROC Protection Movement and more,

    Walking back in time, the locals were detached from the Shenzhen modern lifestyle, still this look of deep curiosity to new faces and stayed lifestyle and comfy zone. Almost like ''china town'' a china very peculiar yet fascinating at the same time.

    These photos collected here, some depicting the QING and Han Dynasty Period of Chinese History

    Hand over of Hong Kong:

    The British Empire In Shenzhen, Agreement was struck and exchange Documents ensued, now HONK KONG is ruled and governed by Britain for 100 years

    Notarized and concluded Documents below: in Chinese Hanzi and English of course.

    南京条约【Nanjing Treaty】This mandate set out the complete agreement between Li hong zhang [Qing Dynasty government] And [ british Offical] and soverigty of GB

    Nantou City - 4 Gates & Lifestyle

    Nantou Ancient City above is the origonal Construction and Garrison, displaying four Main enty Gates, these gates were a unique design with an external protection wall that encompasses the internal gate, this uniqe design reduces attacks on the inner gate [瓮城Wen Cheng] by luring the enemy into this trap area, and only allowing a set mumber of intruding soldiers.

    Therefore the protection and strength of the defence soldiers are more benificial and effective killing Zone

    the primiry functions of this city are

    1. milirary defense
    2. trading overseas salt, pearl, porcelain, silk, sprices, tea
    3. reluctant opium trading

    There are Four Gates, entrances or access points to this Ancient Historic City, only one Gate remains Intact, then others have been corroded and neglected in th past, only the South gate remains, so perhaps not an important aspect of the society of shenzhen of the modern generation, however the Government have put efforts to regain its values and much work is now in place to rejuvenate as i understand.

    History of Soldiers Garments


    QING Dynasty Soldiers Headgear


    Qing Dynasty up to the Han Period has Seen facinating changes in clothing values and Duties


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    Recent Comments


    I love world history. America has so little history that matters to the rest of the world. Thanks for sharing.

    Hello Mark
    i expect you are in USA?
    I agree the history is not much in terms of real Culture and History, its a baby in comparison
    so are you from USA or an expat in USA?
    thanks for the follow and comments

    chris in china

    Just in USA for a couple of reunions then back to Kyiv, Ukraine. I cannot stand it here in America. It's like a 3rd world country.

    Hello Mark you are from Kyiv? i have been there several times, motherland statue national opera house Dnipro river and my ex girlfriend lol
    Rich history Ukraine

    i was considering a return this year end or early next year!
    are you about then?

    Beautiful. I would like to help you, your story does move my heart. So I share for 13 grand people potentially seeing it. How cool

    hello NnurseBecca
    your confidence and heart is big enough to hold the world, lol

    thanks for the fine words and considerations, it is much appreciated and i will review more of your blogs and respond


    hi updated the post

    Wow that melted my heart, I don't know if thank you is enough but you inspire me, the story is courage

    I really love ancient Chinese Medicine a very relevant study

    hey thanks i just found this in my trash can, by purging my computer?

    cant work it out but thanks for the response on your read, glad it was interesting


    Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Your review is good to see, it is well received and i hope you are also benefiting from your efforts, i will review your posts too


    hi updated the post

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