Geeks and Nerds
I'm a retired engineer and spent my career in high tech manufacturing. So I've always considered myself a technical person. But I guess I'm old school technology. I don't remember the terms geek or nerd being used when I was completing my bachelors degree in engineering, but I think my engineering classmates and I where geeks and nerds.
The classic sign of our geekiness was carrying our K&E slide rules every where we went. Many reading this blog will not even know what a slide rule is ... or was. It was before electronic calculators and was an indispensable device for completing tests and quizzes in the allotted time. It was before HP calculators and way before personal computers.
Geeks and Nerds have become a more common inference to folks actively engaged in the digital technology evolution. The terms geeks and nerds commonly refer to experts and enthusiast totally focused on an intellectual pursuit. Some may argue there is a slight distinction between the two terms, but I am limiting the difference to this. In the entrepreneurial world, nerds tend to be technology thinkers and geeks tend to be technology implementers.
Do Kyle and Carson fit these descriptions? Of course they do, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Just look at what Wealthy Affiliate has become. And the best part is that it will get better and better thanks to Kyle and Carson's commitment to continuous improvement. The evolution of this incredible affiliate marketing training platform is the very essence of geekiness and nerdiness. Briefly this is who they are:
So this begets the following questions. Once WA members have mastered the training and are starting to experience financial success with one or more of their websites are we becoming geeky and nerdy?
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No doubt about it ... they have driven the technology growth for years. I started my career in Silicon Valley when the solid state electronics revolution got started with the silicon wafer. This cultivated a steady stream of extremely talented people that continues today in a digital technology revolution.
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