Get Happy, Stay Happy, Be Happy


They say that happy people are more successful, I believe this is true because

Happiness increases endorphins ,gives us energy and allows us to want to accomplish more, and do more to change our lives for the better.

Happiness makes us more productive and creative

The happier we are the clearer our thoughts, but being unhappy, stifles our ability to think clearly.and slows our progress

Happiness relaxes our bodies and improves our health., it can even make us heal better, and faster and help us recover from something we normally would not have.

Have you ever noticed how when your upset or unhappy you actually start to feel sick and if you have a health issues, it exacerbates it and makes it worse.

We all have periods of time and situations that cause us to be unhappy, maybe due to a loss of a loved one, a break up or a divorce or even a job loss or financial problem, but even in those instances the sooner we find a way to be happy the better off we'll be.

Everything happens for a reason, but even though we can't always make since of that, we can still be happy. Anyone can be happy when things are going good, but staying happy even when things are bad, will help things to improve even sooner and enjoy life more in the process.

Ways To Be Happy

Let go of the past, all of the what if's, I should have's and If only"s are pointless, the past is gone we can't go back, we can only move forwared, so if there is something to learn from it take it, and move on.

Don't try and change people, change your attitude towards them

Don't be easily offended, you never know what that person is going through that was rude or offended you.

Know that you cannot solve everything, we only have so much control, do what you can do and let go of what you can't.

Laugh often, and even laugh at yourself

I hope this was beneficial to someone today

Enjoy your weekend

To much Success !

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Wonderful post Norma :) thanks for sharing

Your welcome thanks for commenting

Eustress is great!

Thanks for checking out my post

Great happiness post, Norma! :)

Thank you, appreciate the feedback

Thanks, Norma! Very uplifting post.

Glad you liked it, thanks for checking out the post

Love it thanks, dear

Your very welcome, thanks for commenting

I love to laugh - to bring tears to my eyes is the best!!!

Me too, thanks for commenting

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