About Noreen101
Rank 23492
107 followers Joined March 2019
I am a single mum of 4 who stumbled upon this portal as I was looking for alternative to earn extra for my kids. I am





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

My very main goal is to build a website which will eventually help me in earning a few extras. Two weeks after upgrading to premium I am still watching videos after videos whi

Hi - affiliate programs are covered in Level 3 of the training. However, if you rush ahead, you may miss out vital steps in building your website, leading to difficulty in adding your affiliate links etc.

Thanks Diane this is very helpful. I am actually confused because I am in the "Buy your Own Domain" part which is a thing i do not want to do at the moment.

And Kyle was discussing all about buying domain and moving your site to your domain.

I hope it would have been discussed as a different scope and not part of the whole website building.

You don't have to buy your own domain as yet if you're not ready to take that step. If you don't think there is anything of value to you in this section of the training, then move on to the next lesson.

Within Level 2 though, it does go on to discuss how to create content to attract visitors, and how to add visuals to your site, which are important steps.

Thanks Diane, I do understand that and that is why I thought they could have separated the subjects so that new members can actually get on with what they think is priority to them.

I will keep going and not sure where this will lead me. But I am hoping for a better future with WA.

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Can someone direct me to the proper subject please i.e. building the website and how to become affil

Can someone direct me to the proper subject please i.e. building the website and how to become affil

asked in
Website Development & Programming

My very main goal is to build a website which will eventually help me in earning a few extras. Two weeks after upgrading to premium I am still watching videos after videos whi

Hi - affiliate programs are covered in Level 3 of the training. However, if you rush ahead, you may miss out vital steps in building your website, leading to difficulty in adding your affiliate links etc.

Thanks Diane this is very helpful. I am actually confused because I am in the "Buy your Own Domain" part which is a thing i do not want to do at the moment.

And Kyle was discussing all about buying domain and moving your site to your domain.

I hope it would have been discussed as a different scope and not part of the whole website building.

You don't have to buy your own domain as yet if you're not ready to take that step. If you don't think there is anything of value to you in this section of the training, then move on to the next lesson.

Within Level 2 though, it does go on to discuss how to create content to attract visitors, and how to add visuals to your site, which are important steps.

Thanks Diane, I do understand that and that is why I thought they could have separated the subjects so that new members can actually get on with what they think is priority to them.

I will keep going and not sure where this will lead me. But I am hoping for a better future with WA.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

If I cannot afford to buy my domain name just yet, will this affect my website? I mean I have upgraded to Premium but could not go further in buying domain unless I start earn

It's best to start with a free siterubux website for the time being. As you start making money, buy your own domain and move your siterubix site over.

Follow the training and things will fall in between.

Thank you. I have been following the training but it is taking so much time that I need to set it aside because I also have to work for my kids.

Bit of a nightmare but I know this will pan out alright and hopefully soon!

I understand your concern. Look at it this way..you're building trust with search engines and you want to become an authority in your niche. I recommend doing so with a custom domain, related to your niche.

Not only does a domain related to your niche have a more professional look but getting indexed and ranked under the domain you plan to use is better in the long run.

A .com is only $13.99 a year.

Thanks for the quick response.

But bearing in mind I am a starter and USD13.99 is a lot of money in the Philippines (which is 2-3 days food for my family), I was wondering How I can simply start off with this website and get affiliated with various companies that will help the niche I have taken on.

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Buying my own domain name?

Buying my own domain name?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

If I cannot afford to buy my domain name just yet, will this affect my website? I mean I have upgraded to Premium but could not go further in buying domain unless I start earn

It's best to start with a free siterubux website for the time being. As you start making money, buy your own domain and move your siterubix site over.

Follow the training and things will fall in between.

Thank you. I have been following the training but it is taking so much time that I need to set it aside because I also have to work for my kids.

Bit of a nightmare but I know this will pan out alright and hopefully soon!

I understand your concern. Look at it this way..you're building trust with search engines and you want to become an authority in your niche. I recommend doing so with a custom domain, related to your niche.

Not only does a domain related to your niche have a more professional look but getting indexed and ranked under the domain you plan to use is better in the long run.

A .com is only $13.99 a year.

Thanks for the quick response.

But bearing in mind I am a starter and USD13.99 is a lot of money in the Philippines (which is 2-3 days food for my family), I was wondering How I can simply start off with this website and get affiliated with various companies that will help the niche I have taken on.

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