A second site? Go ME!


So I bought a domain that I like quite well and I decided to get to work on my second site.

I don't recommend this unless you are seasoned and/or well organized. Keeping up with one site you are trying to earn from is tough enough, especially if you lack the discipline needed to keep it updated, like me.

Wait...did I just say I lack something that I also think is needed in order to be successful at starting two sites somewhat simultaneously as an absolute and complete begginner?!

Sure enough did.

Reason being: I DO lack discipline. But I lack discipline because I am making a big change to my daily routine, for something so formulaic it feels like it's not me. Not that I don't LOVE WA for their formula and I do believe with every bit of my being that this formula has no choice but to work.

But, what I am passionate about, what I need to use to get me started in the habit of running a site, is something that moves me deeply. Reviewing self-help books like on my first site is something I care about, as most of what I read are self-help books, I am well spoken and opinionated, and it's a concept that can easily translate into monetizing. But it doesn't move me. I really hate reflecting on where I am and realizing I have let life kill out a lot of my old zest, and it's difficult to get excited sometimes. But what still really excites and moves me.....ME!

I know the internet doesn't need another self-absorbed diary floating around in cyber-space, but really, site #2 will be just that, mostly for me. Something that gets me motivated. Something where I haven't locked myself into one niche. I can retrain myself to posting often, daily if I wish. I needed to look inside me and work on something WA just can't help with, no matte how amazing it is. I have to find passion again.

So there is the rant, and that is a lot of what my second page will look like. Comment, check out the site, reflect, advise, whatever you will. More to come.


I like the name. Simple and to the point.

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Recent Comments


You are right GO YOU... ; O)

I checked out your site and left you a comment! It's awesome that you want to have two sites. I would like to do it in the future, but I don't feel I'm quite ready yet. Maybe with 6 months worth of content and a lot of training i'll be able to do it to! Best wishes to you!

Thank you! I am not sure how successful I will be at this, but I just HAD to let go of the fear that a journal/personal blog may not be a strong income source, and just do it for the sake of loving it, and hope that love and passion grows into a stronger drive to stick with the more easily monetized blog as well. Best of luck to you when you decide to branch out and own multiple sites! And thank you so much for the comment!

It's important that you do something that interests you, there's nothing worse than slogging on a site with a subject that bores you rigid. I wouldn't worry about keywords in domain names, I prefer *brands* anyway, I'd rather have http://www.boohoo.com than www.buycheapwomensdeslgnerclothesonline.com Your site ranks on content, not the domain name, Apple doesn't sell fruit, Amazon doesn't sell rivers, etc. EMDs (exact match domains) can be incredibly limiting. :) R. x

My thoughts exactly. Thinkingalot is a bit awkward, well, so am I! LOL I was also thinking in time I can kninda make it a play on words with any followers I may be lucky enough to garner. "Are you Thinkingalot?"

I definitely understand were you are coming from, my bad I thought you were trying to make a site for traffic. God Bless you in your quest of knowledge. Good luck my friend

No matter how tough I act, that's just that passion slipping through. It's a good thing. And it still nagged at me long enough to change the title to "thinking a lot" which only has in the 400's in terms of competition. Not ideal, but still better than 146000!!

Thank you again for the feedback! And I may revise the post to make it more clear that while it is my second site, the traffic aim is not the priority.

just a little insight on your domains name in Jaaxy keyword search it is not good sorry to say the website looks really nice, but it will be hard to get traffic to it.
thinking alot

40 7 146000 [KQI is poor] 1
which means there are only 40 searches per month and 7 traffic also there are 146,000 other pages with the same keyword or name.

I have found out in my past experience with making this same mistake on several domain names that I have bought, but later found out the keyword search problem. So now I research with Jaaxy before I buy any domains now.

I definitely appreciate your insight and feedback regarding the domain name, but you may have missed the point, and maybe I need to reconsider how I wrapped up the post!

While WA is ABSOLUTELY a great place for making money online, and I feel the formula is a winning formula no matter who you are, sometimes people just are not ready to take it on in whole. I personally was missing the drive, dedication, and above all PASSION.

Im not worried about my domain name, because I'm NOT trying to make money from this site. If people find it through my social media pimping, that's great, because I do want people to find me and share in their ADD and random thoughts, but its mostly for me to get back into what I loved most about writing and finding my voice again.

AND...there are TONS of sites out there that have TERRIBLE names in regard to the topic people may search for. They only gain the notoriety and high ranks over time, years even, when their uniqueness spreads to the the few that stumble onto the site over time and the numbers slowly grow.

I am not counting on this. BUT...and I don't know, maybe it's just the rebel in me wanting to buck even the most generous of things, but...a formula like what WA offers feels like, to me, something that if EVERYONE followed ALL the time....some of the richness and individuality of the internet would be lost.

I will without doubt apply all that I learn here to my future money making endeavors...but this one was something different that still has it's place in WA. You can't grow your business without you yourself growing too. That's what I meant to say all along. Don't get so caught up in the formula you forget yourself, your voice.

Plus, check out the keyword stats on my home page. I did a WA Keyword tool search on 'what is this about' and while searches are low, so is competition. And I slammed my page with that keyword over and over again in a very natural way...at least for my style of writing. LOL

Very good approach, great post and good luck going forward

Thanks you!

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