Stuck in a Rut!


Hey guys, how's your day going? Mines is not going so good. I'm getting frustrated at myself and my website. here's the thing, I thought choosing romance comedy for my niche was a good thing. now, I'm starting to believe it was a bad idea.

I think this way because, i'm having a hard time trying to figure out what content i need to put on my site. For example do I review movies, do I talk about the actors and actress, etc? I'm so stuck and frustrated.

Then,Ihave to compete with IMDB,Rotten Tomatoes, and other movie websites. So, I'm starting to realize that this may have been a mistake.

Am I doing something wrong?

Do any of you guys have or know some one who's doing a movie niche and is successful with it? I really don't want to delete my website because I love talking about those types of movies. I'm just exasperated at this point and don't know what to do.

Any tips from you guys would be appreciated.

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As a self confessed hopeless romantic, you could discuss how the movie made you feel, whether it hit your sweet spot or not. You could discuss whether you found the characters believable or not, whether they made you feel for them, or fall in love with them. Have fun with it. Such a fun idea for a site.

Thanks for the advice. But I made the decision to delete it. I love romance but it was not a good niche for me to pick.

You could pick a movie and write about each situation in the movie and give advice your own opinion on what you would do. .

Yeah, that's a good idea. Thank you.

You could probably add reviews, stories about movie posters, when, like Star Wars, product promotion started, authors and screenwriters. Even set & costume designers and special effects. Rod and Troy

Thank you for the ideas. I like the set and costumes, which I'd probably do for historical romances. Special effects I'd do as well.

Put your personal spin on movies. Don't just do a bland movie review. Relate scenes to your own life or the lives of friends and family. Or talk about how some romantic scene inspired you in some way. You need to appeal to your audience on an emotional level not on the technical aspects of a movie. Ask your readers to give their opinions of the movies as well. I'd stay away from talking about actors as that's just gossip and could open you to some lawsuits is you post inaccurate info. You can talk about their performances (that's just your opinion) but not their private lives (where facts may be right or wrong).

Thank you for replying. I was having such a hard time trying to figure out what to do. I'll take your advice and implement them.

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