Awareness of Process

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Quote of the Day:

“Life comes in clusters of solitude, then clusters when there is hardly time to breathe.” May Sarton

Meaning of the Quote:

There is a time to stop going and be still, breathe, rest and replenish ourselves. Then there will be a time when we can barely take a breath because we are so busy with all the activities of living and we just keep going and going without taking a moment to rest. It is a constant adrenaline rush.

Discussion of the Quote:

Unfortunately, the clusters of solitude that come after the projects are finished are what scare the workaholics, busyaholics and rushaholics. This time of calm is what they are afraid of because they have structured their lives to rarely have a ‘breather’. However, it is important for us to take the time to notice that the ebb and flow in our lives have a reason. We all need breathers. Our bodies need time to relax and rest so that our bodies do not explode from our constant adrenaline push.

Additionally, the cluster when there is hardly time to breathe are what feel familiar and comfortable to most of us. We are at our best under pressure and with deadlines hovering over us. We have programmed ourselves to be constantly on the move and totally ignore our bodies crying out for rest and solitude.

Final Thoughts:

When we let ourselves become healthier and stop all the ‘aholics' behaviors, it is only then can we experience and appreciate the ‘clusters’ of our lives and embrace them as examples of infinite wisdom.

“The ocean never tires of the ebb and flow of the tides. I have something to learn from the ocean.”

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Recent Comments


For many years, I lived off-grid in northern Canada. Aside from a full time job, the work just to live was very hard. Yet, I found what you have written about to be true. No matter what needed to be done and how much had been done, take a few moments several times a day to walk along my creek or sit on a stump and must listen refreshed me. We can't be constantly doing and planning to do. Great post.

Hi Jim!

Indeed, we have to go with the clusters in our lives they come for a reason. You have to find those little moments and do those simple little things that is so refreshing and uplifting to your mind, body and spirit.

Thank you very much! I appreciate your time and your valuable experience that you have shared.

Hope that the rest of your week is productive! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Very true, indeed, Nichola!


Hi Jeff!

Than you! I appreciate your time and your continued support.

Have a productive week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Thank you very much, Nichola!


You are welcome, Jeff!



Hello Nichola,

This is a great read, thanks for sharing!

I live in front of the ocean and I agree too, that it teaches with its low and high tides. I often gaze out at it seeing its cycle.

Kind regards

Hi Erica!

You are welcome! Thank you very much! I appreciate your time and your valuable experience that you have shared.

Have a productive week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Thanks so much Nichola I appreciate your wishes :)

All the best to you also!


You are welcome! Thank you very much!




So true Nichola

Hi Terry!

Thank you! I appreciate your time and your very kind comment.

Have a fantastic Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

There is no doubt that we need our rest and solitude. Working overtime to much and just staying in a rush for more will not reap the life we need or want. Stress is out enemy but peace is life and more abundantly.

Hi Jesse!

I appreciate your time and your valuable insights that you have shared.

Have an awesome day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

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