So I own a domain that used to be a blog.
On one of my websites I started about 3 months ago, I was somehow able to get a really good domain name. It's only 2 words and so I was surprised to be able to get the domain name.
I recently looked up the history of my domain on waybackmachine and found out that it previously was a blog, and because of the domain name wrote about some of the same general stuff I am now! They even had a podcast. This was in 2016.
Odd that the website owner would just let the domain go. Now, of course they didn't seem to practice any good SEO strategies that we learn here at WA and didn't seem to be set up to make money (at least that I know of), but they may have been getting some traffic.
Now that I've learned this, I'm wondering if I should have any concerns about the history of my domain. I don't know, it seemed like it was a legit site and didn't seem like any blackhat strategies were being used or anything so I'm guessing I'm good to go.
What do you guys think about this? Has anyone else had this happen?
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Hi Daniel, I actually search out domains that have some history.
If we can pick them up at the standard going rate it is a bonus and if they have a clean history and are in the niche we are exploring it is a triple bonus.
The reasons folks let domain names go can be so varied as you not worry about.
The important thing is where you are going to take it in the future.
Dive on in.
Hi Daniel. Is this a blog or question? Pardon me.
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I didn't know there was a "Waybackmachine." Very interesting. I own 5 domains, two of which I think are awesome, but have no history.
Bummer, but I'm thrilled to have learned about this service!
Wayback is part of the internet archive. <- That may come up with another name and whatever, that gives me what I look for. You can't always remember everything so it is good to remember where to look!
Wayback is an archive too.
Just Zaying, Suzay