Backup your Computer To avoid a disaster

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A Timely reminder

A Timely reminder to everyone here. Computers do crash and you can lose data. After I had computer problems over the last few days, My computer crashed and would not do anything at all on Sunday night and I had not done any backup since I had assembled it last year. Silly me. So there I was looking at it and wondering if I had lost the lot!..Visions of all the work I had done lost !!...ok I was in a panic .I had visitors here on Sunday and Monday so I really could not be seen to be ignoring was late Sunday night, so I left it and went to bed.

Monday I could not do anything until I return home at 5 pm. The visitors had left and I finally had a chance to look at the PC. I had built the Computer myself from parts last year 2017, I think or maybe 2016...sheesh I have no clue. I had a look at the system and I knew my hard disk drive was gone...there can be a number of reasons why hard drives fail chief among them is spike in the voltage coming through the line and if you do not have a surge protector then you can damage not only the hard drive but your motherboard and other components in your PC. The computer mortherboard was not damaged could only be a dodgy hard disk.

Computer's do crash

Tuesday I had to get new parts for the PC installed the hard drive and re-installed Windows, tested, upgrade all my drivers. Anyway it is almost back to normal now, it isWednesday night. Lucky for me I could still access parts of my damaged hard disk and copied all the undamaged files. I had saved all my important files to one folder only so it was easy to retrieve it. Whew that was lucky, I have now been thinking about a weekly backup plan, to save my most important files...

Anyway the moral of this story is do your backup of essential data you treasure like your articles and emails and contacts etc, they do not take up a lot of space but they can cause you a head ache if you lose them. Drop your essential on a 16GB USB drive and you should be good, keep it is a safe place and maybe setup a weekly schedule where you update your backed up files.

Finally back

Tonight Sydney time at 9pm is the first day back on Wealthy Affiliates. For those who are expecting some comments from me, sorry lost quite a bit of my I really have no clue where I am at, I have also moved my emails off to the internet. I was using Microsoft outlook, I lost that too. I hope to catch up with the latest comments.

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Hi Gus, Thanks for the reminder...appreciated.

Hi Beth, thank you must be my lucky day today I get 2 visit from appreciate it...hope you are going well there in Oman..I need to get myself another PC soon this one is playing up a has served me well for a number of years ..take care and wishing you well

Oh, Gus, man I am so sorry to hear about this. I'm so glad you were able to save all you did. A great wake up call. I'll heed your warning. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Wendasue,,am almost back to normal..and I have over 400 comments..sheesh!!..

WooHoo!! Great work!!

Thanks for the reminder Gus. I need to do that.


no worries mate...

Glad to hear that you were able to salvage most of your work Gus.

Yes, backing up files is always recommended - as computers do give up the ghost at unexpected times.

Hope you manage to get back on top of things soon.

Hi Jackie, hindsight is a great teacher you for the thought ..hope you are going well

Sorry mate.

got it back just take time ...thnx for the thought

ooooh dear sorry about that Gus,
Atleast you are computer savvy or techno-electro savvy lol ...I end up buying a new PC every year for some reason or the other, an exercise I could do without, thanks for the reminder ...have a super day

Khurshi!! are a ray of sunshine and.twice in one day...!! .lol....thank you for your thoughts I do appreciate having to talk to you again...I do apologise for not replying earlier. I have got it back to almost normal, just a couple of things I need to resolve and that is it, yes I use to run a computer repair business. Hope you are powering ahead and doing well, if you need help let me know....merci baku.

,Heloooo Gus
Thank you, you really make my day with your lively enthusiasm and kind words. Please do not apologise, life is extremely busy, I am glad things are almost back to normal. I am trying to do the best I can, thank you, just preparing my e-mails until I can master this website business, reading as many posts, so as to avoid duplicating mistakes made by others and hoping to get there asap..thank you for always giving me that motivation and you inspire me all the time Gus, I wish you only the best my friend. Take good care and have an amazing week ahead.
Bye for now
Shukran jazeelan (Thank you very much-in arabic)

Thank you Khurshi wishing you will get there. Believe in yourself and have faith in your are on the road...beautiful language...I am honoured

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