Project Magi
Hello WA members
Have you heard about Google's project Magi? I heard about it from Neil Patel. See the link here.
I would like to ask for your opinion, especially from those more experienced ones. What do you think about it? How it will affect bloggers?
A lot of people are concerning that they will loose income as they will not get the traffic on their website.
Thank you all for your opinions.
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Hi Natsea,
I believe Kyle was discussing this here Riding the AI Express: Google's Game-Changing Search Update I think this might be troublesome for blogs that aren't very personal and rely on cold information gleaned from others. But what this can't replace is the personality we bring to our posts. Folks are desperate for a connection, and likely seek out posts on areas of interest rather than just go to the online or physical store to make that connection, to get the real lowdown from someone they connect with who has been in the trenches they are considering.
Google is viewed as a business and their displaying these links in such a way will likely mostly appeal to folks who would go straight to the site selling anyway.
Kyle is really great about keeping us up to date on the latest search changes.
In my opinion, they already sort of do this the shopping tab. However, it will be more specific with the ability to "chat" about what you are looking for.
Although sites may lose some clicks, it means we just need to make our content stays helpful, especially with product reviews, so Google or Magi will see it as relevant and drive traffic to our sites.
Is this wishful thinking?
IDK, I guess we shall see!
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What's that about? Thank you.