Where to From Here? Your Honest Opinion is Required!

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I feel like I am now sitting on the fence and not sure which side I should be on, if any.

I have been back and forth with Wealthy Affiliate and this time I am back for good, but a tad confused at the direction I should be taking according to my stats or the direction I have chosen to take since being back posting on my website since January 2020.

When I first came to Wealthy Affiliate it was all about making money online, then I quickly learned it was all about helping people... changed mindset from there.

Also, follow your passion they said, so follow it I did. BUT, I still wanted to make money!

I then set up my passion website, and decided to do ALL the graphics and PDF's, everything as I could not find a suitable affiliate and was feeling a tad bold with all my knowledge. So was going to do it all myself.

I was following this journey, and for some reason, which I can't actually remember, but I decided to go and do BootCamp, as that apparently was here all the money was... success stories were starting to influence me...


I had a car accident, life kind of stopped, as did ALL of my online work. Gutted, as I could not work online with my head injury. I was diagnosed with 'post concussion syndrome', two years on, and I am still not 100% but enough to be able to work, visualize and mind map in my head again. It has taken its toll, but has NOT kept me down...

My immediate issue now being that I have been working hard on getting my MMO website up and off the ground and finally doing something as below:

It is an area I am kind of struggling to put together a review and is taking me longer than a day to produce and I was hoping to post every 2 days, but I am now finding it hard to meet that mark.

So, do I persevere with this or do I go back to my passion which has been doing stuff all on its own, and now look at monetizing it as it only has some of my own products on it?

This is what it has been doing without any attention:

This also is gaining, Pinterest interest due to the graphics.

I am wondering if I concentrate on the Passion, the second graph and reduce my posting to my MMO website.

If I do this I feel I will lose the momentum my MMO is starting to gain. But I also see the opportunities that are starting to present themselves in my passion...

Your honest options would be gratefully accepted, as in what to do form here.



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Go with your gut instinct, Jo!

Thanks Jeff, I am :)


I think you already know which way you want to go JoAnne. You were already working at the MMO site but are now asking whether you should continue or go back to your passion.
If you wanted to continue making the MMO the priority for now you wouldn't have to ask.
Go with your intuition. If you go with your passion, then you can always add posts here and there to the MMO to keep it building, however slowly.
Good luck.

You are so right Linda, I suppose deep down I already knew, but confirmation was what I should have been asking for.

Thank you for your opinion, it means a lot to me.


Hi Jo,
It's up to you on which one you decide to work on, but I thought I'd add my two cents here for what it's worth...I'd really consider following your passion as it looks like it's going quite well even though you haven't been working on it lately...plus, it's much easier to work on something you love doing and if there's a way to monetize it, I'd go for it.

I did about the same thing as yourself, started out in a niche site, then decided to try the MMO niche, but wasn't able to keep up the momentum with the MMO one. Like yourself, I found it a struggle to write posts for it as I had just started out here.

The niche site, which I did have more of a passion for and still do to a point, eventually began making money, even when I stopped doing much with it to pursue my other passions, lol.

Anyways, it's all up to you on what you feel you must do. Nothing is set in stone...you can always work on the MMO one at a later time when your passion site is doing well and making money. Or, if you want, write a post on the MMO one when you feel you can as a way to keep it going a step at a time, which is better than nothing at all, but that is up to you as well...

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you much success with it! Keep going and don't give up...one way or another you'll get there!

Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Thank you Sherry

Your two cents worth means a lot. I was hoping that someone who had been down a similar path would share their experience such as you have.

Thank you for sharing, it means a lot.


Hi Jo

Honestly, I am too green to give you any advice. I am trying very hard not to give up but now that you mention helping people then you have given me an eye opener, because I really enjoy helping people and if in the process I get money as well then that would be fantastic. Now I believe I will try harder to complete my websites

Best of Luck and God Bless

I am so pleased this has helped you stay in the game. That means a lot to me.

Yes, it is all about helping not selling. By doing one the other will follow through trust.

Onward and upward my friend. If others can do it then so can we!

Kia Kaha

God bless you too

I would to say follow your passion. When you're doing something you're passionate about its so much easier to not only want to do it but to also get it done.

It's also very obvious that your passion is getting a lot more attention in the Google world so it would be much easier to get eyes on your products which means you'd have more chances of making money.

Maybe once you get back into your groove you can revisit the MMO site but just concentrate on what you love for now. Make your life easier ☺️

I wish you a the best and much success, Jo!


I was thinking that would be what I was going to be told, at a time I had been working so hard on my MMO... but the last 3days... ho-hum, 'struggle' is not the word I want in my daily routine.

Thinks I will be revisiting my passion, another YouTube Channel for that niche on the way, which should be easier than my MMO.

Wondering if I go back to my passion and post on my MMO once a week, maybe twice if I could. I feel i need to keep up with it either way.

Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated.


You do what you feel is best, Jo. In the end it is your choice ☺️

Keeping up with the MMO site would be great if you feel up to it.

Your passion site has awesome numbers, though. A big congrats on that!

I hope everything works out the way you want it to!

I am cheering you on! 🎉

Thank you,

yes everything will work out, it always does :)

You're very welcome ☺️

I like your enthusiasm, Jo. That will take you far!

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