Encouragement to Become a Lifelong Learner

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Lifelong learning has become a very popular concept over the last 10-15 years. Governments are developing and implementing Lifelong learning frameworks, and programs to ensure that citizens can obtain new knowledge regularly through entire life, and it is the only way to succeed in the dynamic environment which we live in today.

For example, the EU Framework for Lifelong learning defines eight key competencies:

  • Communication in the mother tongue;
  • Communication in foreign languages;
  • Mathematical competence and basic competencies in science and technology;
  • Digital competency;
  • Learning to learn;
  • Social and civic competencies;
  • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
  • Cultural awareness and expression.

It is important to realize that the Key Competences for Lifelong learning are not static; they are changing regularly, and it is important to make sure that all people have the opportunity to build the required competencies by accessing different forms of education and training.

Several aspects of Lifelong learning contribute to our successful life in the 21st century:

  • Learning to know;
  • Learning to do;
  • Learning to live together and with others;
  • Learning to be.

There are a variety of ways how to engage yourself in Lifelong learning, and it is up to everyone to decide which way to choose:

  • Reading and conducting research on the specific topics;
  • Reaching out to people (online and offline) who can inspire and advise you;
  • Teaching others is an excellent way to expand and update your knowledge and expertise;
  • Creating a personal learning environment;
  • Starting a new project, which will require new knowledge and skills;
  • Finding a job that requires and encourages learning and collaboration;
  • Experimenting the latest educational technology tools which support a personalized learning;
  • Joining online courses.

Lifelong learning is changing our mindset, and it motivates us:

  • Embrace the changes;
  • Never give up;
  • Practice self-compassion;
  • See the effort as a journey;
  • Learn from criticism;
  • Be inspired by other’s success;
  • Help and support others;
  • Believe in opportunities.

It seems obvious that we all in WA are all Lifelong learners.

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Recent Comments


You're right, learning is part of growing. Stop learning and you stop growing, you stop maturing. Good post.

Thank you for the comment. I am glad you found it useful.

Great article, thanks for sharing!

I am glad you find it useful. Thank you for reading

This is so full of realism, as stated below, learning is knowledge, knowledge is the result of learning.

It is true...and it is about our lives... we are learning

I'm saving this post for future reference, because I like the bulleted list of the various competencies and how to achieve them.

Sometimes it is good to have a label to explain what we do naturally as marketers.

To see it in a clear and concise format answers a lot of questions on what I do in my volunteer work and now here on WA.

Thanks for sharing this post. It is greatly appreciated.

All the Best,


Thank you for the comment.
I am glad you liked it.
Wishing you all the best,

Wonderful post of encouragement. Thank you for sharing.

I am glad you liked it. Thank you for reading

Certainly continual learning to keep up with technological change is essential, and even more than that can be enjoyable to learn new skills, Nadja, Best Alan

Thank you, Alan.
yes, Lifelong learning is part of our life. We are learning new things on daily basis. I am also involved in several EU projects related to the implementation of Lifelong learning tools. Thank you for reading my post.
Best Regards,

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