How did June 2024 go?

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(Image: A calendar. Symbol of looking back on June 2024)

How did we do? Still recovering from the March Google "update" mostly.

Moneywise, pleasant last-minute bump in "sales". Just under $20 this month on 7 sales. That's a conversion rate of 1.35% so not horrible. The real problem is figuring out how to improve my Mini PC YouTube channel (more on that later)

Medium: Up to almost 18 reads a day from 15 last month

Pinterest: Rebuilding my mini pc channel after pinterest shut it down. Impressions are still in the single digits a day. But it just started registering 10 days ago, so I just need to add more pins and see what happens

My cyber channel is starting to gather steam. We saw massive gains this month, averaging around 300 impressions a day and we've seen almost a click a day.

Just started my hydroponic channel today. The first 6 pins are scheduled. Needs more help!

Mini PC is basically landing pages. GSC gives it no love. The YT channel is generating sales but it's slow. For some reason the number of subscribers is slowly rising but the overall hours per month is dropping. A lot. I need to think about this.

The cyber is getting 2-3 clicks a day and impressions are over 1000. So, it's growing. I will probably start applying what I learned from my new hydroponics channel.

Why hydroponics? Because I want to. I niched wayyy down to start (hydroponic grow light for herbs). Have 12 posts, 14 scheduled, and 9 drafts. Lots of ideas going forward. GSC has had this for 10 days now and I am starting to see impressions! Mostly on page 1 or two, so my experiment may be working.

I am trying to use ZimmWriter for my blogs. The quality is great. Needs some love through Hemmingway and create some great info-graphics to accompany it. Also, adding alt-text to images where it makes sense. Just starting on this, will see if it works or not by next month.

YouTube: Not doing great here. Need to figure out why I am losing hours but gaining subscribers.

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Slowly but surely things seem to be moving along Michael!

Keep up the great work my friend! :-)


I am still waiting to get the final results on my new blog for June... GSC is now 47 hours behind. Hopefully by tomorrow!

I'm sure that the improvements will continue Michael!

I have been so busy trying to get my home liveable again since Friday, I haven't checked any stats for nearly a week now!!

Don't tell Jonathan though!! :-)

Yeah life can get in the way of a lot of stuff. We just do the best we can

Absolutely Michael, that's all we can do! :-)

Well done, Mike! My June was a lot better in other physical avenues.


Interesting MToback!
Barbara Hickman

This is all about learning and building the sales funnel.

You need to make sales
But first people need to come to your sales page
Before that, you need to gain their trust through informational posts
Before that, you need to write posts well enough so they will click on it
Before that, you need to appear on the platform you are writing for so that it will present the post to the reader.

Thank you for your info. I have got a lot to learn. Will you critique my website?

Barbara Hickman

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