Laughter is the sound of freedom

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Symbolically as well as physically, laughter is the very opposite of holding your breath. Physically, we involuntarily contract and expand our chest when we laugh. Our arms move. Our heart-beat speeds up. Blood flows more rapidly. We feel so much livelier that, for the moment, we are free.

Curiously, laughing involves functions which have little to do with the biology of survival. Some have called laughter the luxury reflex because all it seems to do is relieve tension. A genuine laughter feels wonderful. It certainly relieves tension, but it does more.

In the aftermath of laughter, we experience physiological relaxation. Breathing and heart rate slow; muscles relax, and blood pressure drops; we feel calmer.

People who regularly rely on humor to cope, can more easily let go of anger, fear, anxiety, hostility, and a host of other negative feelings that often accompany crisis.

Laughter is the sound of freedom. Laughter is a common reaction to the unexpected, the unpredictable. Laughter is unique to the human species, and we all laughed naturally as infants without needing to be taught. All we need is receptivity; expression will come on its own. Laughter and tears are intimate partners. At some moments we laugh until we cry; at others we cry until we laugh. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between them. One seems to make a seamless shift into the other. We laugh at the most absurd and at the most earnest moments.

Laughter is a gift we sometimes forget to use. If we have forgotten how, it will take a bit of patience to relearn what once came naturally.

A smile, even in retrospect, fosters healing and quickens our pace in the upward spiral.

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Recent Comments


I’ve always enjoyed going to comedy clubs. My challenge now at age 67, as I don’t like to stay out that late. I wish there was some Sunday brunch comedy hours that would be good for me.

There is even a good line of comedy shows In Netflix. Right at the comfort of your home Brad!


Humor is an integral part of daily life, Marioi! How refreshing!

Jeffoi 🤣

One should have a dose of humor to deal with life in its entirety! It softens the blow! Calms the storm! Brings new perspective to light!

Maria 🌹

I totally agree, Marioi!


Let’s toast to that. Jeffoi! 🥂

You bet, Marioi! 🍻

Can you believe the snow flurries today Jeffoi? This is not supposed to happen anymore!

It is chilly here, but sunny, so far, but I have a suspicion we might get some of that too!

Enjoy life Maria. Even in our darkest moments, a laugh and a smile can bring light,
Be good, be careful.
Bux 🌹

I always like the unexpected laughter that brings you to the floor laughing till the belly hurts!

Maria 🌹

You know what they say, "laughter really is the best medicine until you can't no more."

Myra ♥️

So true Myra, so very true.

I'm glad you liked it, Bux! 😊

Myra ♥️

Absolutely Myra! It is a great tension reliever! It decreases your Blood pressure, promotes good circulation, calms the breathing and heart rate and changes your emotional perspective! Then you feel good!


Exactly, Maria, Bingo! 😉👉

Myra ♥️

Hahahaha! Thanks Myra! 😀😂😅

It does feel good to have a deep down belly laugh

What I miss is the rolling out on the floor laughter, as the belly hurts, yet can’t stop the laughing! 😂


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