Amazon API Plug-ins Do Exist - Nov 17, 2023

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And, it's not as hard as some of you have suggested.

This post is being written in response to recent posts about Amazon and the removal of the image and text and image links via SiteStripe. Yes... lovely Amazon is causing problems ...but... we need to keep rolling along!

There are a few Amazon plug-ins that use API. But, if you've run into the problem of Amazon throttling you because you weren't driving enough sales or if you're new, you will have to start out small using text links or specific product links. It's not enough that Amazon is taking the image and the image and text links away... they throttle you too if you're new or haven't generated enough sales for the past 180 days. ....Talk about the rug being pulled.... In any case, I'm playing with some plug-ins, which, btw, are not really that hard to do.

All you need to do is generate your Key and Secret Key on Amazon... assuming you wish to "affiliate" yourself with them.... For me, I'll use Amazon, but I'm looking for other affiliate programs. In addition, I think I'll be changing my standard posting practices of affiliate links in the post. I think I'm going to link to a product page instead.. because when the rug is pulled, and it has happened to me before, you'll know where to go to find and adjust your links.... rather than post by post.... I'm hoping it'll be easier. So, in the meantime, I'd like to hear some input from others as well. What will YOU be doing?

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For several reasons, it's usually a good idea to place your affiliate links on a product page (or landing page) as opposed to a blog post.

It's great to see your positive outlook despite the Amazon changes causing a bit of chaos lately. Adapting to these shifts can indeed be a bit of a puzzle, but it sounds like you're handling it like a champ!

Exploring those plug-ins and maneuvering through generating Keys and Secret Keys on Amazon seems like a smart move. And hey, diversifying your affiliate programs is always a fantastic idea.

Your strategy to link to product pages instead of specific posts is quite clever; that way, if any more rugs get pulled, the adjustments won't be a frantic post-by-post hunt.


I like the idea of linking to a product page. Thanks for suggesting.

It's always a good idea to use a product page (or landing page) to contain your affiliate links, rather than in a blog post, for many reasons.

If your calls to PA-API using your access key and secret key are failing, then any plugin that uses them will also fail.

I'm looking at Lasso at the moments, as it doesn't seem to rely on this, but it's not free.

As I've said elsewhere, I'll keep this information updated.

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