Methodology Reaps Rewards

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Methodology is the procedures or techniques used to identify, analyze and select a process and information about a topic. Methodology allows a person to critically evaluate a overall validity and reliability of a process.

Thankfully the training processes at Wealthy Affiliates are some of the easiest to comprehend and employ so as to be able to move forward in the understanding how content creation works and how the long game has rich rewards for those following the path,

The way we collect and analyze the data, the type of research we chose, and our rationale behind our choices are all methodology that enables us tick the boxes off as we move forward to our goal (pun intended) Without having a path set with check points we would neither know how far we’ve come or how far is left to go.

And so If anyone is starting out, reading this post and feeling a little bit anxious about the future with unanswered questions right now, think of it as a journey to a destination with milestones that will let us know where we are along the way.

I remember my first trip out of town and down the coast. When I was with mum and dad I never paid attention because dad drove the car and dad knew the way but when I had to do it for myself oh boy was I worried. Worried if I’d make the right turn at the right intersection and looking for signs all the time to keep me sure of what I was doing.

Here at Wealthy Affiliates we all know the destination and if we stick to the methodology of checking the sign posts along the way we’ll certainly know how far we’ve come and how far we have to go to get there and the thing is, in the end we get there!

But what about enjoying the trip along the way?

When we travel we can always look out the window to see the vistas up ahead, to the left or the right or even in the rear view mirror at times. We enjoy the sunrises or the sunsets, the rhythmic clickity-clack the train makes, the views of never before seen landscapes from the air as we fly over mountains and valleys, oceans and cities – Well our journey at Wealthy Affiliates is much the same. It is something to be relished and appreciated along the way.

If we don’t give up we’ll reap the rewards and our rewards will differ from one another. However, more importantly, let us all delight in the journey we make along the way.

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Recent Comments


You are right. Perseverance is key!


Thanks for sharing!


Actually, the destination is not known, as opportunities may come your way that will diversify you into other angles. The commitment to the journey is imperatively important.

Thank you,
You are correct. Perhaps I should've clarified that with the outcome of monetization being the destination we all desire.

No problem, Tbone :) Have a great day and productive week ahead

Too true! not just with Wealthy Affiliate but also with anything in life. Celebrate the milestones.

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