I want 600 Comments on this Question - Can I Use AI When Providing Requested Comments?
Defend Your Use of AI for providing requested comments
Tell Everyone Why AI Comments are Inappropriate on a Live Website!
You can safely read the first half of this educational post on our commenting system. But, I am warning you now, that I am going to go off on some lazy @$$ members before this post is finished.
For those who do not know, WA has a pretty good system set up for offering comments to support your blogging efforts.
Have you seen this page?
When you publish a new post to your website, you have the ability to show Google that people read what you write. Early engagement boosts your SERP Rankings. This is a good thing, especially for new bloggers.
The Concept is Simple
You submit your post for comment and ask the upstanding members of the WA Community to comment on your post.
For every comment, you request it "COSTS" you two credits. Can anyone in the community request comments? Yes if you have the credits. But how do I get the credits? There is a queue for people to create comments for you, but anyone will have the ability to comment when it is their turn and earn a credit. I usually try to get through the 10 comments when I get started.
Why Waste My Time?
The "Commenting Queue" generates One Credit, for each comment that you submit, once it gets APPROVED. You never know what you will be commenting on. We are a diverse group with even more diverse interests.
When you fulfill a comment request you will have to remember a few important details:
- Focus on the Product/Content - What does the post talk about? Think about it and give an honest response.
- DO NOT CRITIQUE THE POST/WEBSITE - We have our site FEEDBACK section for that.
- Be Honest, But Positive - Even if you have first-hand knowledge that the product is not so great, keep your comments positive. This is a Live Website that you are commenting on.
- Don't Rate the Poster - This includes the style, look, grammar, etc. It's all about the product/content.
- What is This? - If you don't know the product/content, do a little research on your own. Read other posts on the referring website, or crank up your favorite chatbot. Do what you have to do to educate yourself on the topic.
If you are not learning something every day, are you actually living?
The goal is simple, put in the effort, provide genuine value, and make your comments count.
And Then This Happened
I have written all of this because I recently PAID my 12 Credits asking for 3 commenters for my latest post
Nail Your Niche, Save Your Blog
The #1 Reason for Failure is Poor Niche Selection
All I got for my 12 credits were Three $#|TTY disingenuous bot replies from people racing through the commenting to earn credits for their receiving their OWN comments. These AI-generated comments lack any authenticity whatsoever. Dead content is a disservice to the blogger and a killer for search engines looking for real engagement.
Erosion of Community Trust - I know who wrote the comments. You have created distrust and damaged your reputation, and for what, a credit, so that you could request that someone would honestly comment on your post? No, sorry, this is sheer lazy gamesmanship. You vomit on a blog so that you can get a great comment from someone else.
Karma is a B|tc#.
Not on My Website!
I declined those comments, and I’ll continue to decline comments like them. If you keep this up, the system will eventually block you from commenting altogether. And if you see my name on a post? Do yourself a favor and skip it.
Final Thoughts
To those who take the time to provide real, thoughtful comments, I thank you. You’re the backbone of this community, and your efforts make a difference.
To everyone else, if you’re not willing to do it right, don’t do it at all!
Recent Comments
Still Hot! - When someone posts AI-generated nonsense on my live website, it’s not just lazy—it’s disrespectful.
It shows a complete lack of regard for the time, energy, and creativity I poured into my work.
Going to walk the dog...
I agree. Maybe certified commenter status should be earned and not awarded right away (I believe that’s currently the case, anyway).
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When you get a comment you don't like simply disapprove it and give your reasoning for it that way the commenter can hopefully learn from their mistake. The key point about disapproving a low quality comment is that the comment will be thrown out and your post will go back into the shuffle to get that quality comment your looking for without being charged again. And if you get another bad one, disapprove it again. This way you are never left with the sour taste in your mouth of using credits for sub-quality comments and your credits never go wasted.
Eric, Let this serve as a lesson. I requested 3 and disapproved 3. This community is better than this.