How Do I know - Which Product Should I Offer?

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I had a couple of minutes and saw this question. I have been seeing this on more than one platform lately.

This is a straightforward question for me to answer because I am my Ideal customer and I resemble my audience. - I promote what I want in my life!

But back in the very beginning, did you take the recommended route and select a "You Do You" niche? Or did you make life hard on yourself and choose a niche that had nothing to do with you? I chose a You Do You niche and all I need to promote are all of the finer things in life that I want.

You Do You

The experts say, “Stand Out in a Crowd”, “Create Compelling Content”, and find an angle of a topic that has not been covered. Your Unique Selling Proposition is you. This is a fancy term for turning your unique passions (yes, the things you’re ACTUALLY good at!) into a potent weapon for making money. Let’s ditch all the generic GPT advice and build a business fueled by passion, purpose, and a whole lot of “You Do You!”

Not is Not a Disaster

I take it that you did not. When this question gets asked, it is nearly 99% of the time the niche selected has nothing to do with what you do when you are not working, did for work, love about your life, or a dramatic experience that changed your life. In other words, your niche is not you.

All is not lost if You Do You is not what you did. For this, I am going to ask you to use your imagination. Think BIG! I will help you build your "Jennifer Aniston"!

What Do I Want

I assume that you have a niche and that you are looking for something to sell. There are three factors that you will want to look at.

  1. Who is most likely to be interested in or benefit from your niche topic? Your content, what benefit are you delivering? What "pain" are you solving? Who needs what you have? You need an audience, what does your audience need?
    1. Demographics - What does your person look like? Think age, height, weight, and anything else that comes into your mind's eye. Where do they live, and what is their life routine?
  2. What specific problems or questions do people in your niche frequently encounter? As you watch this perfect customer's life unfold before you, what can you do to make that life better?
  3. Where does your potential audience currently seek information related to your niche? Are they a Twitter (X) junkie? Picture watcher on Pinterest, watch videos for information? What feeds their info appetite?

Ladies, it is time to put Jennifer's shoes on. Guys, you are still just watching this!

What would Jen want? She is your ideal client. What is she looking for in your niche?

Is she looking for a cheap Walmart knockoff? No, that would be Jen from the hood!

What is this Jen looking for as a gym rat in your niche?

Push the idea of quality first. The things that you would put your name on if it were your brand.

How Do I Know Which Product Should I Offer?

By identifying your ideal customer—your "Jennifer Aniston"—you’ll gain invaluable insights into what products or services they will be looking for. Now it’s time to put this knowledge to use!

Take a moment to sketch out your ideal customer profile based on the examples provided. What specific needs do they have? What products would enhance their lives? Once you have this clarity, brainstorm potential offerings that align with their desires and pain points.

I know I did not tell you What to Sell, but I did give you a route to solve this question for yourself.

Share your ideal customer persona in the comments below.

Let’s turn your vision into reality together!

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Recent Comments


Very interesting read Don.

I loved the phrase "You Do You Not What You Did."


Thanks, Rick

It is a great phrase. NTW Did you read my post of the same name?

Great advice Don! At the end of the day we should be promoting products that help our audiences with their problems in my opinion!

Have a wonderful start to the weekend my friend! :-)

And it definitely helps if you are promoting things that you use to solve your problems.

First-hand experience is priceless.

I appreciate the support.


It absolutely is my friend and you're most welcome! :-)

Nice post, MrDon!

Thanks Howard,

I enjoy drawing inspiration from the questions that people ask. Timely posts are the result!


Good job! These kinds of posts will be available for those who will have the same question in the future.

Howard, That is my intention! I appreciate it!


I created a persona (or rather my assistant created one), but I am a doing a mediocre job keeping her in mind. I mostly think about me as the customer and I am not the ideal customer by any means.

Imagine yourself being inspired and letting your dreams unfold in front of you. When you have that dream in mind, your body will find a way to get there!


It's an intriguing concept indeed. How's Donald these days? I have not seen you in a while.

I have been losing time at the JOB! 68 hours this week. Warms my heart to know that I have been missed!

Absolutely, Donald! You are a crucial part of the Wealthy Affiliate community and play a vital role.

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